According to North Korean media reports, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un and Russian Defense Minister Shohgu discussed the actual problems of strengthening national defense cooperation.

North Korean official media issued a press release on Sunday (September 17), saying that Kim Jong -un, accompanied by Saturday (16th), inspects the strategic bomber, hypersonic missile and warships with nuclear capabilities with nuclear capabilities with nuclear capabilities.After the inspection, Sho Gulu welcomed the luncheon for Kim Jong -un, and the two talked after eating.

The press release says that during the conversation, Kim Jong -un and Shoyagu "further strengthened the strategic and tactical coordination, cooperation and practical problems in the fields of national defense and security in the fields of the two countries, and exchanged constructive opinions on constructive opinions."" ".The manuscript also said that there are differences in opinions between the two countries.

According to the previous report of the Russian media, Kim Jong -un appeared on Saturday the Russian Pacific Fleet frigates "Marshal Sattikov", which stopped at the port of Vladivostok, also visited Russia's superb speed ""Dagger "missiles, and Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3 strategic bomber.

DPRK Society said that Kim Jong-un was highly evaluated The Pacific Fleet claims that it "has made great contributions to the peace and security of Northeast Asia and the world."He also presented a commemorative gift to the fleet, and wrote "justice and peace" in the visits manual.

In addition, Kim Jong -un also left a handwritten note for the Tianping Ocean Fleet, which reads: "Respect the Pacific Fleet, Kim Jong Un, September 16, 2023."

However, despite various friendly interactions between the Russian and North Korea in recent days, both officials have now denied signed any military cooperation agreements during Kim Jong -un's visit to Russia.