(Washington Composite Electric) After China Huawei Technology Company released a new smartphone with advanced chip technology, the United States Republican lawmakers urged the Biden government to completely cut off the connection between Huawei and SMIC and the United States suppliers.

Ten Republican Republican members led by the Chairman of the US House of Representatives McGiro, the chairman of the US House of Foreign Affairs, jointly sent a letter to the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce to be responsible for the Ministry of Commerce responsible for the industry and safety affairs, and pointed out that Huawei's new machine stated that the current sanctions showThe measures did not play.The letter required the Ministry of Commerce's Industry and Security Bureau, as well as the Ministry of Defense, the State Council, and the Ministry of Energy to make a briefing to the members before September 28.

Ten members include the chairman of the House of Foreign Affairs, Energy and Business, Military and China Affairs Commission. They cannot effectively formulate and implement export control measures for violations, especially China, and express confusion and puzzlement.The letter urged the Ministry of Commerce to stop issuing licenses to companies controlled by Chinese governments such as SMIC, and called on the government to apply additional pressure to more effective export control to our opponents.

The letter also called on the government to strategically prohibit Symapaid in the United States from importing SMIC, especially those semiconductors that constitute national security, and asked the government to propose criminal control to SMIC and Huawei executives.

To curb whether the development of Chinese technology and military development is effective in the US government,

Since Huawei's new machine uses domestic 7 -nanometer chips that may rely on US technology, the US government has effectively argued whether the current action of Chinese technology and military development has been effectively contributed.

Huawei and SMIC, which provides chips, have previously been sanctioned by the United States, and the goals of export controls implemented by the Biden government in the past year also include these two companies.Republican lawmakers hope that the White House will be upgraded to comprehensively sanction Huawei and SMIC.

The US Department of Commerce has remained silent about whether SMIC violates US sanctions.Huawei and SMIC did not immediately respond to the comments request.