The British government said that China is taking the British who serves as a sensitive position as the headhunting goal, and states that some of China's actions have "crossed the boundaries of other affairs of other countries."

Bloomberg reports that this is a four -year response to the British government's response to the results of the Parliament Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).ISC surveys found that China uses investment and espionage to lock key people in British Telecom, aerospace, artificial intelligence (AI), engineering, energy and academic circles.

The British government said: "Chinese overseas recruitment plans are trying to recruit people in the British and British allies and master people who have sensitive technologies and experience./P>

ISC's investigation report released in July this year found that the British government responded to the "inadequate" and lack of coordination in responding to the Chinese spy activities.The British government said on Thursday (September 14) that the government realized that more measures must be taken to crack down on Chinese spy activities, including in parliament and the White Hall, and emphasized that the government has taken measures to prevent British officials from being purchased or absorbed by Chinese spies to be purchased or absorbed by Chinese spies.Including regular review and the use of software identification of false accounts on the social media platform.

Whitehall, located in London, is located in the British government's center. It is connected to the parliamentary building and Tangning Street, including the British Ministry of Defense, the Royal Cavalry Guard parade and the British cabinet office.

According to Voice of the United States, the British Banner Evening News said that Chinese spy agencies are mainly concerned about important figures in the British politics, national defense, and industry.

ISC said in a July report that the British government's method of fighting Chinese spy activities was "completely inadequate" and lacking coordination.

Last weekend, a British Congress researcher A>, the news that has been arrested in March this year has exposed, which has aggravated concerns in this area.

British Prime Minister Sonak also faces some of the strong pressure on Beijing's internal members of the Conservative Party, but he still hopes to promote economic relations with China while strengthening the protection of national security.On September 10th, Sonak attended the Twenty Country held in New Delhi.During the Group (G20) Summit, It was stated that , this kind of intervention of democracy is "unacceptable."