(Shin -Power in Tokyo) The Japanese government shows that Prime Minister Kishida is willing to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un without preset any conditions.

Kishida had previously revealed that he was ready to hold talks with Kim Jong -un.After Kim Jong -un went to Russia to meet Russia President Putin this week, he invited Kim Jong -un again.

The Secretary -General of Japan's Cabinet Matsuni Matsuna Matsno One Friday (September 15) said at a routine press conference that the Japanese party hopes to hold a high -level discussion under the leadership of the Prime Minister to achieve the summit as soon as possible.

Matsuno said that Kishida has always expressed his willingness to "meet with Kim Jong -un at any time."

After Kim Jong-un held a summit with Putin on Wednesday (13th), then , visited the local military and civil aircraft manufacturers on Friday.

Japan Foreign Minister Uenagawa Yoshiko told the media on Thursday that Japan's concern for Russia and North Korea talks may cause violations of the Security Council's ban on weapons -related materials transactions with North Korea.

Putin said on Friday that Russia "will not violate any regulations, but it will continue to develop relations with North Korea.A spokesman for the Kremlin palace said that during the visit of Kim Jong-un,