(Washington Composite Electric) The New York Times reported that Russia has successfully bypassed Western sanctions and export control measures to expand the production of missiles to the pre -war level.This means that Ukraine may face the intensive attacks of the Russian army in the next few months.

U.S. officials were originally estimated that Russia had undergone Western sanctions in 2022, and at least half a year would be forced to slow down the production of missiles and other weapons.However, as of the end of 2022, the Russian military manufacturing industry began to accelerate again and successfully obtained key parts through Turkey and Armenia.

Officials are worried that Russia's increase in missile inventory may mean that this winter will increase its attack and bring greater suffering to the Ukraine people.

The Russian official news agency reported that the Russian Minister of Defense Soggos was Friday (September 15) that the Russian Navy had received two new ships this year and will receive another 12 other ships by the end of 2023.Shogu revealed that Russia is developing new nuclear submarines and underwater drones.

Ukraine officials: Russia increases missile attacks or crushes Ukraine Defense System

The US Department of Defense is trying to help Ukraine against the Russian missiles and drone attacks to protect the safety of civilian and military facilities throughout the territory.The U.S. military provides Ukraine with a patriot's air defense system and persuaded allies to provide S-300 airproof ammunition and other air defense systems.However, Ukraine does not have enough air defense system to cover the entire country, and it must be selectively deployed.Ukraine officials said that Russia's increase in missile attacks may overwhelm the Ukraine defense system.

New Year reports that Russia rely on the income brought by high energy prices, it can bypass the microelectronics and other materials required to purchase cruise missiles and accurately guide weapons in the West.As a result, the production of military industry not only recovered and surged.Western defense officials said that before the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia could produce 100 tanks and 1 million shells each year, and the output has doubled today.Salm, an official of the Ministry of Defense, even estimated that Russia's current ammunition production is seven times that of the West.

Salm pointed out that Russia's production cost is far lower than that of the West, because they regardless of cost, regardless of safety and quality.For example, the cost of producing 155mm howitzers in the West is from 5,000 US dollars (about S $ 6812) to $ 6,000, but the cost of Russia's 152mm howitzers with equal power is only about $ 600.

U.S. officials: It can slow down but cannot prevent Russian smuggling missiles required for the production of missile production

U.S. officials admit that they can slow down but cannot prevent Russia's parts required for smuggling missile production.The U.S. Department of Commerce said that the response to Russia's avoidance of export control is to transport parts to third countries and then transport them back to Russia.

At present, the United States and the European Union formulate a list of 38 categories of export restrictions on Russia.US officials said that nine categories are mainly microelectronics products that provide power and drones for missiles and drones, which are the most needed projects.

US and European officials also cooperate with banks to develop an early warning system to remind any behavior that may avoid sanctions.So far, the Bank of America has issued alert to the US government on 400 suspicious transactions, and the Ministry of Commerce investigated the suspicious activities of one of them.

Although sanctions against Russia face many difficulties, the United States and Western officials say that Russia's production still cannot keep up with the speed of the military consumption of ammunition and equipment.For example, Russia produces 2 million ammunition each year, but last year used about 10 million fire shells.Officials said that this forced Russia to desperately find a source of replacement to increase inventory, and recently tried to reach a weapon agreement with North Korea.