(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that other countries around the world want to see the United States and China responsibly controlling the relationship between the two countries.conflict.He urged China to make efforts.

Brinken's interview on Sunday (July 23) on Sunday (July 23) in the United States said: "No matter where I go, I hear a clear request, that is, the United States and China are responsible forEarth management and control relationship. "

Their interests or other people's interests. "

Brintken mentioned that the senior officials of Biden's government have recently contacted China, including his own, Treasury Secretary Yellen and Climate Special Envoy Kerry all visited Beijing.

Brinken said: "We didn't have too many conversations before, now. We have people in different groups or about some independent issues ... affect the relationship between the relationship and make contact. I think we can find a solutionPlan. "

Brinken had a few days of talks with senior Chinese officials in Beijing earlier.He believes that "progress" has been achieved in guiding relations between the two countries to return to the right track.

The dispute between the two major powers is increasing

From the close relationship between Beijing and Moscow to a series of issues such as the United States' restrictions on selling advanced technologies to China, the disputes between the two major powers are increasing.

Earlier this year, a Chinese reconnaissance balloon drifted into the United States and circled over the sensitive military location. The United States finally sent a fighter to shot it down, causing the relationship between the two countries to fall to the bottom. Blink also canceled the original Beijing.The trip.

Brinken finally visited Beijing last month.He said that he explicitly told Chinese officials that "we will continue to do things that China doesn't like, say what China doesn't like, just like they will continue to do what we don't like and say what we don't like."

Brinken said: "The test we face is whether we can ensure that we maintain these communication channels, continue to talk, and try to solve the differences and see if we can cooperate."

One of the key issues that the Blingken Beijing trip failed to resolve is the restoration of military communication in the United States and China.The contact between the highest military officials between the two countries is still frozen, and the Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu was sanctioned by the United States in 2018 because he was responsible for China ’s transactions in Russia.

When asked if the United States should cancel sanctions to alleviate tensions, Brinken said, "These sanctions will not prevent Li Shangfu from contacting us or we contact him. In fact, this is a political decision. China has decided to decide by China.Should he contact. "

In the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore in June this year, Li Shangfu refused to meet with the United States Defense Minister Austin, and the two only had a brief conversation.

Brinken said: "We have stated that we believe that we have the responsibility to carry out these military contact and dialogue, especially to avoid any misjudgment and have any misunderstandings about what we have done. Therefore, we will see China in China.Performance in this regard. "