(Washington Comprehensive) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that Ukraine has recaptured half of the territory captured by Russia in the early stages of invasion, but to win more territories, the Ukraine will face "a very difficult battle."

Brinken Sunday (July 23) was interviewed by the United States Cable Television News (CNN): "Ukraine has recaptured about 50 % of the originally occupied territory. It is still the early stage of counterattack. The situation is difficult."

He expects that counterattacks will not end in the next one or two weeks, but will last for several months.

Brintken pointed out that Russian President Putin's goal is to merge Ukraine into Russia. As far as this goal, Russia has lost war a long time ago.

Ukrainian President Zeleiski said at the end of June that the progress of counterattacking the Russian army was slower than expected, but Kiev would not be forced to speed up the fight at pressure.

Russian President Putin insisted when he met with President Lokarosko on Sunday, and insisted that Kiev's counterattack had failed.

President White Ross: Wagner demands to fight with the West in Poland

This is Putin resolved , the two met for the first time.

Lukashenko revealed that the Wagner soldiers in Beros demanded that they would fight against the West to fight against the West, but he controlled the situation and restricted the Wagner soldiers in central Belos.

Putin and Lukashenko's talks aim to further develop strategic partners and alliance relations between the two countries.Putin said that the economic conditions of the two countries are very good, all plans are implemented, and progress is faster than expected.

Russia refers to the "terrorist attack" Moscow's two buildings in Moscow

In terms of the war of Russia, the Russian Ministry of Defense accused Ukraine of Monday (24th) in the early morning of Moscow to launch a "terrorist attack" to Moscow, but the attack did not cause any casualties.

Moscow Mayor Sobiyanin said that two non -civilian buildings were destroyed, and local media pointed out that the wreckage of drones was found near the Ministry of Defense.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that two drones were "intercepted and crashed", but it is not clear whether the drone hit a building when it crashed or launch an attack on the building.

According to Agence France -Presse, there were many police cars, fire trucks and ambulances at the scene. The police blocked reporters from the public from approaching after the incident.

Witnesses: Black drone "almost" hit the Ministry of Defense Building

A resident nearby revealed that she was awakened by the explosion and felt that she was shaking around.Another witness said that he saw Ukraine's drone "almost" hit the Ministry of Defense.

At the same time, an official in the Crimea region in Russia revealed that the Ukraine launched a drone offensive on Monday, 11 drones were shot down, and a local ammunition store was hit., But he did not disclose the damage of the ammunition store.

Ukraine said that the Russian army launched a new round of air strikes on Monday, sending about 15 Russian drones to explode the food warehouse on the Danube of Ukraine, causing at least six injuries.

Russia announced on July 18th that After exiting the Black Sea Grain Agreement , Almost every night, the grain facilities along the Black Sea launching air raids.

The Ukrainian army said that the scope of the Russian air strikes has expanded to infrastructure along the coast of the Mumbey River.According to the police statement: "(Danube) grain warehouse was destroyed, and the storage tanks of other goods were also damaged. One of the production workshops became hot, but the fire was quickly extinguished."

The Danube is a smaller export route. Some Ukrainian grain companies have used this transportation line as a substitute for the Black Sea.