U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that other countries around the world want to see the United States and China responsible for controlling the relationship between the two countries.The United States is trying to strengthen communication with China to ensure that the two countries will not conflict, and he urges China to make efforts.

Brinken said in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN) said that the United States is committed to keeping US -China relations stable and ensuring that the competition between the two countries will not evolve into conflict, because conflicts do not conform to China, the United States or anyone.Interests.

Brinken said that the United States and China did not have too many dialogues before, but now different groups are prepared for different topics or are undergoing dialogues.He believes that the two sides will eventually reach a solution.

In June, Blints held talks with senior officials in Beijing in June.It has made progress in the right track and refers to the "early stage" for seeking more dialogue in the United States and China.