(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. National Security Consultant Sha Liewen said that China, which is developing nuclear missiles and other strategic weapons in large -scale, is necessary to negotiate with the United States.The relationship between the two countries is "not tied for a seat belt" and no "guardrail" is safer.

Shatin Friday (July 21) revealed at the Aspert Security Forum that US President Biden and Chinese officials agreed in recent calls to conduct strategic stable dialogues on nuclear weapons issues.

He said that, given the rapid expansion of China's nuclear arsenal, this is important."Look at what China has done in enhancement of nuclear ability now ... It is urgent to reduce risks and understand each other's purpose, intent, and action mode."

The United States has invited China to join the United States and Russia to restrict the negotiations of nuclear arms, but Beijing refused to refuse on the grounds that the scale of nuclear arms owned by China was far less than the United States and Russia.

Shatin: Beijing is unwilling to set up a guardrail for China and the United States to take responsibility for this

Shalvin also worried about the Chinese military's refusal to communicate with the US Department of Defense.According to VOA, Shalvin said at the forum that his impression was that Beijing did not seem to want to set up guardrails for Sino -US relations and "tie a seat belt."

"This is just my impression. The overall attitude of China is probably like this. If you tie the seat belt in the car, you will be inspired to drive faster and more crazy, and then a car accident will occur. ThereforeFrom an perspective, it is best not to tie the seat belt. "

Danan pointed out that the tie belt can greatly reduce the cost and consequences of the accident.The United States is ready to conduct military exchanges with China at all levels to avoid errors, misjudgment and situation upgrades. However, "China has not done so, they need to take responsibility for this."

China has repeatedly stated that unless the United States /A>, otherwise China will not restore military exchanges with the United States.Li Shangfu was sanctioned by the United States in 2018 for participating in China ’s purchase of fighters and air defense systems from Russia.

However, Shalvin believes that sanctions should not be the reason for rejecting exchanges.First of all, many people in the Chinese military were not sanctioned. Second, many people in Biden Cabinet were sanctioned by Russia, but this did not prevent the United States from communicating with Russia when necessary.

Shatin emphasized on the forum that the United States does not seek to "end" China, and everything that the United States has done is to coexist with China."What we seek is not to end a country, but to build a stable country, a stable country that is fundamentally beneficial to the interests and values of the United States and our allies and partners, because we think that the world will be more stable, prosperous and secure."