(Seoul / New York Comprehensive Electric) North Korea launched multiple cruise missiles on Saturday (July 22) to the western waters of the Korean Peninsula, which was the second time it launched missiles in three days.Analysis believes that North Korea may intend to show its ability to combat the entire Korean Peninsula and US military bases in Japan.

South Korea ’s joint staff headquarters said on the same day that North Korea began launching multiple cruise missiles at around 4 am (Singapore 3 am).The Korean and American Intelligence Department is also analyzing the specific parameters of the missile.

Just on Wednesday (19th), the American ballistic missile submarine "Kentucky" rarely opened in the Busan combat base in South Korea for a few hours, North Korea launched two short -range ballistic missiles to the east waters.The Kentucky stopped at Busan from the 18th to 21st. This is the first visit to South Korea in the past 42 years.On the 18th, the US -South Korea nuclear consulting team also held its first meeting.

The North Korean Minister of Defense Qiang Chunnan warned on the 20th that the deployment operation of US aircraft carriers, bomber or missile submarines in South Korea meets the use of nuclear weapons conditions listed by the North Korean National Nuclear Military Force Policy and Law.

The next day, the Ministry of National Defense of South Korea reiterated that if North Korea uses nuclear weapons, South Korea will make a "immediately and decisive response", which will cause the Golden regime to "end".

The US Department of Defense also violently criticized the threat of North Korea's defense ministers and described it as "danger".Singh, deputy secretary of the Pentagon, said that the port visit of the US ship this time was just to show the long -term cooperative relationship between the United States and South Korea.South Korea also denies that the US nuclear ship visiting South Korea is to display verification to Pyongyang.

North Korea launched two "arrow-1" type and "arrow-2" strategic cruise missiles from Xianxing, Xianxing, Xianxing, Xianxing.According to the analysis, if North Korea launched on Saturday, these two models can be equipped with a "volcanic-31" tactical nuclear warhead, then the intention may be to show that it has the ability to perform nuclear attacks on the entire Korean Peninsula and the US military base base in Japan.Essence

On the other hand, the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), the European Union, and Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea referred to North Korea to use China's territorial regulations to avoid the United Nations sanctions and prepare for China to assist in dealing with this issue.

According to Western media reports on Friday, these organizations and countries are preparing to let the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun.The letter said: "We are paying attention to the continuous tanker of the oil tanker to help North Korea carry out sanctioned oil products trade."

The letter of the party will attach a satellite image to prove that the above situation will occur within the jurisdiction of China last year and this year.The letter also called on the Chinese government to take more measures to identify and prevent these vessels from anchoring or staying under the sea in China.The United Nations Security Council has included ships that violate sanctions on the blacklist.As for when this letter will be issued, it is not clear.

Since 2006, North Korea has been sanctioned by the United Nations due to the development of missiles and nuclear projects. In 2017, sanctions have also been expanded to the upper limit of the import and implementation of North Korean refined oil and crude oil.

However, the Security Council has not been able to reach an agreement on sanctions on North Korea. China and Russia believe that more sanctions are not available.In May last year, the two countries rejected a resolution on the implementation of new sanctions on Pyongyang.After that, although North Korea has repeatedly launched missiles, the Security Council has not passed any resolutions or statements on North Korea.