Spain Sunday (July 23) The Lightning Election has completed 99.5%of the votes, and no political party has won an absolute majority.Spain will face uncertainty in the next few weeks.

Bloomberg reports that according to statistics released by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, the Right -wing People's Party is expected to win 136 seats in the 350 seats in the house, 47 more than the 2019 elections.

The Right -wing Voice Party (VOX) won 34 seats, a decrease of 18 seats from 2019, but it is still the third largest force in parliament.However, even though the Hohistaries and the People's Party Alliance controlled 170 seats, it still did not reach the ruling threshold of 176 seats in the house.

The Socialist Party led by Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez became the second largest party in the house of the house with 122 seats; the Socialist Party Alliance's extremely unified party (SUMAR) won 31 seats.Because the Socialist Party has a wider potential partner or can form a 172 -seat alliance.

Sanchez said after the preliminary votes were released, and the right and extremely right wing had been "defeated".He said: "I want to fully deprive us of all the progress of all progress in the past four years."

Sanchez said: "Those who hope that Spain will continue to progress, more than those who want Spain to retreat."

Alberto Nunez Feijoo, the leader of the People's Party who seeks governing, announced that Sanchez announced that the People's Party won Sunday elections.

Feiho said: "My current responsibility is to try to form a government for public dialogue."

The pre -election polls show that the People's Party and the Voice Party may win the majority in this election, but the results show that there will be a suspended parliament in Spain.