(Moscow / Sophia / Washington Composite Electric) Russian President Putin accused Poland of Poland, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has the ambition to occupy the former Soviet national territory.He warned that any aggression against the Russian close allies Beros was equivalent to attacking Russia.

Putin said on Friday (July 21) at the Russian Federal Security Conference on TV that if neighboring Beros was invaded, Moscow would "use all means" to respond.Russia and Beros signed a treaty in 1999 to establish the Russian and White Alliance.

He claims that there are reports that Poland and Lithuania plans to form a joint force to launch military operations in western Ukraine and eventually occupy the territory there.In some parts of Western Calam, it used to belong to Poland in the past.

Putin followed, and said, "As we all know, they also want to win the territory of White Ross." He did not provide any evidence about it.

However, the Polish News Agency quoted the Secretary -General of the Warsaw Security Council earlier on the same day that after the Russian mercenary organization's Wagner Group members arrived in Beros, the Safety Commission decided to conduct military deployment in the eastern border area of Beloos on the 19th.EssencePoland denies any territorial ambitions to Berlos.

Putin also said in his speech that western Poland was a gift given to Poland to Poland, the Soviet leader Stalin, and Russia repeatedly reminded Poland.

Polish Prime Minister Moravitz responded after Twitter after Twitter: "Stalin is a war criminal, and the death of hundreds of thousands of Polish people is responsible. History truth is beyond doubt. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will summon Russian ambassadors." White Ross official Thursday (20th) said that the Wagner Group began to train the White Rose forces in a military shooting range several kilometers away from the Polish border.Russia has also deployed tactical nuclear weapons in Beros not long ago.

On the other hand, Bulgaria, another member country in NATO, decided to transport about 100 armored armored vehicles to Ukraine, which is the first time that Bulgaria has supported Kiev to reinstall military reserve.

Bulgarian Parliament passed this military resolution with 148 votes in favor of 148 votes and 52 votes.

Bulgaria purchased various models of Soviet -made BTR transport vehicles in the 1980s, but has never been used.The Bulgarian Parliament resolution said: "Bulgaria no longer needs these arms, but after Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine unreasonablely, these arms can be an important support for Ukraine's defending independence and territorial integrity."

Bulgaria is very close to Russia in history and culture. So far, it is still seriously different from the issue of military aid Ukraine.The decision to criticize the political party who opposes the transportation to Ukraine is "betrayal and shame".Bulgaria has only transported military supplies to Kiev, mainly supplying bullets and helmets.

Another news said that the United States may soon provide new military aid for Ukraine.

Reuters quoted three US officials reported that the United States will announce the total value of 400 million US dollars (about 532 million S $ 532 million) as soon as this month.Missiles and vehicles have yet to be finalized.

The new supporting facilities will be implemented through the "Presidential Approval Authorization" mechanism.This mechanism authorizes the US President to quickly provide foreign and international organizations directly from the Ministry of National Defense to foreign and international organizations without the approval of Congress.

This will be the 43rd military aid facilities that the United States has approved for Ukraine since the war of Russia and Ukraine, with a total value of more than 41 billion US dollars.