(Sydney Comprehensive) When the U.S. military participated in a large -scale multi -national military exercise in Australia, a US warship was officially joined in Sydney.This is the first time that the U.S. warships have served in the harbor of other countries, showing that the military relations between the United States and Australia have become closer.

13 countries including the United States and Australia participated in the "Talisman Sabre" joint military exercise in Australia from Friday (July 21).There were more than 30,000 participants in the two -week exercise, which was the largest in 18 years of the two -year joint military exercise.

The U.S. Navy Minister Toro said on the same day that the joint military exercise was to convey a message to China, that is, the United States allies are ready to work together to "defend their national security interests and common core values."

Other countries involved include Britain, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, South Korea, New Zealand, Indonesia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Tanga.Among them, Germany participated for the first time, sending 210 paratroopes and Marine Warriors.

Exercise is held in many places in Australia, including simulation amphibious landing operations, etc.

Exercise is held in multiple locations in Australia, including simulation of land war, air combat and amphibious landing operations.It is noticeable that the Japanese Self -Defense Force launched a land -to -ship missile for the first time in Jevis Bay, about 195 kilometers south of Sydney on Saturday.

At this time, the US warship "Uss Canberra" officially began to serve in Sydney.

The enrollment ceremony of this independent coastal combat ship was held on Saturday at the Australian Navy Base in Sydney Port, and officially joined the US Navy's active fleet.The "Kansberra" was named after the Australian Navy's cruiser during World War II; the cruiser was sunk while supporting the US Marine Corps in 1942 when he landed on the island of Gwadar Canal, Solomon Islands, Pacific.

Australian Defense Minister Marce issued a statement saying: "What makes Australians proud is that the warship designed by the Western Australian factory and named after the Canberra will serve locally. This is the first time in the history of the U.S. Navy history."

He said that the service of US warships in the Australian waters reflects "the common commitment to maintain rules -based order."

Marce: Chinese ship monitoring military performance but it doesn't matter

According to the U.S. Navy, since 2017, China's spy vessels have been surveillance to surveillance.

When Mars was interviewed by Australian television, he was asked if he was worried about whether Chinese spy vessels appeared on the northeast coast of Australia.He said: "I don't worry. I have been participating in the guard's saber for many years. It seems that there is always a ship from China to monitor military exercises, that's okay."

The Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand attended the exercise as observer.Military exercises will end on August 4.