Most of the previous presidents in South Korea will mention Korean and Japanese historical issues at the commemorative event of the San Festival, but Yin Xiyue has not urged Japan to reflect.In this regard, the largest opposition party in South Korea questioned Yin Xiyue to justify the Japanese colonial rule.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue said at the commemorative ceremony of the Anti -Japanese Independence Day (September) that Japan has transformed from the past "militarist aggressor" to "partner of cooperation with hands". Now South Korea should remember the past and think about the future.Prosperity.

Public opinion believes that in the past, South Korea ’s previous presidents mentioned the historical issues of Korean and Japanese on the independent anniversary. Yin Xiyue emphasized that“ Korean and Japanese partnerships ”can be regarded as a signal to improve Korean and Japanese relations.

Yin Xiyue attended the 104th anniversary of the 104th anniversary of the Sanyi Anti -Japanese Independence Movement at the Liu Kuanshun Memorial Museum in Seoul (March 1): "The Anti -Japanese Movement on March 1, 104 years ago (1919) was to establish a national master as the master.2. Independent movements performed freely and democratic countries. Koreans should review the history of losing national sovereignty and suffering from the failure of the changes in world history.Repeat the mistakes. South Korea should think about the current global crisis, nuclear threats, social division, and polarization. "

For the South -Japan relations that the public opinion is most concerned about, he said: "Japan has changed from the past militarist aggressors to partners who share universal values with South Korea and cooperate with economic security and global issues. In the face of global compoundThe security crisis such as the threat of the Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear and the Russian and Ukraine conflicts is not only the cooperation between South Korea and Japan, but also the cooperation between South Korea, the United States, and Japan. "

He pointed out that South Korea should unite with a universal value of the world, and contributes to expanding the "freedom" of world citizens and the realization of global common prosperity.

Yin Xiyue explained in the three -one section of the third section of Japan.

It is worth noting that most of South Korea's previous presidents will mention Korean and Japanese historical issues at the commemorative activities of the San Festival, but Yin Xiyue has not urged Japan to reflect.For example, when the former president Wen Zaiyin published a commemorative conversation in 2018, he used the words such as "harm" and "anti -human human rights crime" to Japan, and urged Japan to reflect.

Analysis pointed out that Yin Xiyue has always emphasized the improvement of Korean -Japanese relations after coming to power.South Korea and Japan are currently undergoing negotiations on Japan during World War IIIIII of illegal workers. Yin Xiyue released goodwill to Japan at the Sany of the Sany of Yin Xiyue for the first time. It may be that he hopes to urge Japan to take a more positive attitude towards the issue of forced collection.

In this regard, Matsuna Kazaki, the secretary -general of Japan's cabinet, said at a regular press conference that Japan and South Korea based on the friendly cooperation relationship established by the 1965 Stock Exchange to repair and further develop Japan and South Korea relations. Japan will continue to work with the South Korean government.Tight communication.

However, the largest opposition party in South Korea asked: "This is the logic of the pro -Japanese forces that the Japanese colonial rule is legitimate. Is it now that Korean president is a pro -Japanese school?""Action of History and Justice and History and History of South Korea" also criticized: "In order to conduct military cooperation with Japan, the government is trampled on historical justice."

Relevant sources at the South Korean President's Office revealed that the negotiations of South Korea and Japan were close to the end.To this end, public opinion expects that if South Korea and Japan will consensus on negotiations, South Korea is expected to hold a head talks at that time.