UEM says that the sanctions against Berlos have been extended to February 28, 2024.President Lokashenko and other 194 people who have close relationships with the White Ross government have been banned from entering the European Union, and their assets are also frozen.The sanctions also prohibit Europe with funds to them for 34 entities.

(Brussels Comprehensive) The European Union announced that as Beros continued to extend its sanctions against the opposition and support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it was extended for one year.

The European Council issued a statement on Monday (February 27) that the sanctions on Berlos had extended to February 28, 2024.

President of President Lukashenko and other 194 people who have close relations with the White Ross government have been banned from entering the European Union, and their assets are also frozen.The sanctions also prohibit Europe with funds to them for 34 entities.

White Ross's financial sector, trade, technology and telecommunications, energy and transportation are also subject to economic sanctions.

Since the August 2020 election of Lukashenko, the EU has imposed several rounds of sanctions on Berlos for the brutal target of the demonstrations of the election results.The West believes that the election is manipulated and regards the opposition leader Jihanovs Kia as the real winner.Lukashenko, who has been in power for nearly 30 years, is an important ally of Russian President Putin.

Prosecutor Beros asked the court on Monday that the court was sentenced to 19 years in the prison of Jannvscia and the relative Latashco. Both were tried in absence.Jihanovs Kia was forced to escape to Lithuania, and her close relatives now live in places outside Brex.

The White Ross Anti-Government Organization said that they launched a drone attack at a airport near Minsk, the capital of Berosk, blowing out an advanced Russian military reconnaissance aircraft, that is, Beriev A-50 air warning aircraftEssenceThis early early early tracking can track up to 60 targets.

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Beros has allowed Russia to use its territory to attack Ukraine.

Aliaksandr Azarov, the leader of Bypol, the ByPol, said last Sunday that they launch an attack with a drone and participated in the White Rose.Bypol has been listed as a terrorist organization by the Berlos administration.

Jihanovs Kia's consultant Wiyakka posted on Twitter that two Beros people had left White safely after the attack on Machulishchy, Machulishchy, Machulishchy, in the suburbs of Machus.Rose.He said that Russian early warning aircraft radar antenna and aviation electronic equipment have been damaged by drones.

Azarov accepted a telephone interview with Reuters on Monday that the attack was planned for several months, and they would take more action in the future."We will continue to fight with the Russian occupant in the White Ross's territory, and fight with the illegal Rakshenko regime."

said that the official did not confirm that the military aircraft was attacked by Vice Foreign Minister of White: It was fake news

For Azarov's conversation, Vice -Foreign Minister Yuri Ambrazovich attended the United Nations Ambassador Conference on Tuesday and said to Reuters: "Under the circumstances that there is no response, I am convinced thatThis is another false news, trying to discredit our national security omissions. "

At present, neither the Kremlin and the Russian Ministry of Defense have no comment on this news.