(Morning News) Director of the US Central Intelligence said that the United States "confidently" China is considering providing deadly military equipment for the Russian troops invading Ukraine.

Agence France -Presse reported that Burns, director of the CIA, warned nationwide on Sunday (February 26) on Sunday (February 26). For China, this will be "very adventurous and unwise.bet".

He said, "I really hope they will not do this."

On the same day, the White House national security adviser Sha Liwen also issued a similar warning to China, saying that the United States had privately stated to China that providing assistance for Moscow would lead to serious consequences.

Salavin said in the National Information Counseling in the United States CNN program: "Beijing must decide whether to provide military assistance for the Russian side, but if you go to this road, China will pay a real price ."

Burns and Shatin both clearly stated that the United States has not found signs of sending any weapons to Russia to Russia.

Shalvan told CNN: "We haven't seen them make a final decision ... and we have not seen them with assistance to Russia."

Salavin said in an interview with the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) this week that although Beijing did not decide to provide assistance to Russia, it did not give up this option.

According to the Wall Street Journal, US officials revealed that China is considering transporting drones and arms to Russia, but China denies it.


The Russian and Ukraine War has entered the second year, and Bernes said that Russian President Putin was still far away from Kiev's peacetime.

In the visit of CBS, Bernus has repeatedly described Putin with "arrogance" many times.He believes that Putin is now "too confident" in defeating Ukraine.

Bernus, who once served as the Secretary of State, said that Putin "believes that he has not won the war for the time being, but he can't lose it."

Bernus said that at a certain stage, Putin "will have to face rising costs of war, a sideline coffin that is transported back to China, and cumulative economic losses."