Fatser said in the news network of Fengkuo Media Group in Germany: "The Russian and Ukraine War has exacerbated network security issues."The danger is still very high, calling on the federal and regional governments to work together to resist network attacks and "permanently continue to develop".

(Berlin News) The German Internal Affairs Minister Father warned that Germany was facing a huge threat from Russia. She said that Russian President Putin invested a large number of resources to carry out cyber attacks to destroy, spread false information and launch spy attacks on Germany.

Fatser said in the report published on Sunday (February 26) in the Wekuo Media Group of Germany: "The Russian and Ukraine War has exacerbated network security issues."

Fatser said that the risk of spies and destruction activities supported by the state is still very high.She urged the federal and regional governments to work together to resist cyber attacks and "continue to develop permanently.""We are competing with new attack methods and technology."

She said that the government is expanding the Federal Information Security Office, and she mentioned the efforts of "creating new tools that security officials can use new tools to prevent and respond to cyber attacks."

The British Guardian reported that shortly after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Germany faced a wave of attacks. The black hand behind the scene was obviously a hacker Ghostwriter, which was said to be controlled by the Russian intelligence department.In recent weeks, everything from Germany from the airport to the administrative department of the city hall has been attacked by the Internet, which has affected people's daily life to varying degrees.The Russian hacker Killnet recently announced that it plans to further disrupt the German life.

Digital experts say that Germany is in a state of hacking "permanent fire."Financial institutions, military fire plants, energy suppliers, humanitarian organizations and tax authorities have all become the goals.Experts say that these attacks are often carefully disguised, but online crime investigators often find that Russian hackers are behind the scenes.

Google Analysis: Moscow actively recruit private hacking organizations

Google recently analyzed that Moscow is "using it all to solve the number" to recruit private hackers and let them join the Russian Military Intelligence Agency (GRU).

Berlin Information Technology Security Company SYS11 Expert Corcetis said that attacks are becoming more and more politicized.He pointed out that when Germany decided to provide Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine this month, the number of attacks on German goals increased sharply.

"However, these attacks are not complicated or demanding. This makes us very worried. Because these attacks are just warning signals." He said that after simple attacksIt is usually regarded as a hacker in "testing the water".

Avira's protection laboratory director Avira said, "Whenever Europe strengthened sanctions on Russia or accelerating assistance to Ukraine, hackers will strengthen attacks."