(Washington / Moscow Comprehensive) The United States continues to pressure China to prevent China from providing weapons for Russia.The United States emphasized that if China crosses this red line, it will face serious consequences.

The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, Burns Sunday (February 26), was interviewed by the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS), "We are convinced that Chinese leadership is considering providing fatal equipment for Russia.China has made a decision or evidence that it has transported deadly equipment to Russia. "

He warns that China does do this, which will be "very adventurous and unwise bet".

Western media recently quoted news reports that China considers to provide Russia with fatal military assistance such as drones and ammunition, which may change the trend of the Russian and Ukraine War.

In this regard, the U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan said in an interview with the United States Cable Television News (CNN) on Sunday: "We will continue to send a strong signal, that is, we think that at this time to provide military assistance to Russia ...It is a serious error. "

He reiterated that if China ’s military aid Russia will pay the actual price.He did not explain what the possible consequences were, but there were many sanctions methods that could hit the Chinese economy. For example, the Ministry of Commerce had included several Chinese companies suspected of providing support for the Russian military in the sanctions list.

In addition, Shalvin revealed in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) that there is no call arrangement between US President Biden and Chinese officials, but it is expected that the two will talk in the near future.

The United States has repeatedly mentioned whether China has been in the issue of military aid in Russia.Bayeng said last Friday that he did not think that China would support Russia by providing weapons and did not see China so far, but he warned that any such action would attract American response.Secretary of State Brillings publicly said that the Chinese government is likely to allow Chinese companies to provide non -fatal military and civilian aid to Russia, but he did not put forward any examples or evidence.

In response to the United States, it is said that China considers providing fatal military aid to Russia. China pointed out that the United States is spreading false news and shows that the United States has no right to point to draw on Sino -Russian relations, and China will never accept stress pressure.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning Monday (27th) said at a regular press conference that China insists on objective and fair stance on the Ukrainian issue and is actively committed to persuasion and talk, but the United States is constantly arming and handing knives.Essence

She also pointed out that the United States sanctions Chinese companies on the grounds of Russia, which seriously damages the interests of China.China has proposed to the United States solemnly and will continue to take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

On the other hand, former Russian President Medvedev warned again that the West provided weapons to Ukraine, which may trigger nuclear war and global nuclear disasters.

Medvedev wrote on the news report on Monday: "Continuous weapon supply ... will block the possibility of restoring negotiations. Our enemies are doing so, and they refuse to understand that their goals will be completely defeated.It will cause everyone to lose, fall apart, and end the world. "

German Defense Minister Pistous revealed that the United States is discussing with Germany and Poland to prepare to hold a joint military exercise in Poland to respond to Russia's threat to the eastern border of the North Atlantic Convention.

He pointed out that this move will convey a very clear signal to Russian President Putin, that is, NATO is not only as weak as he has long been considered, but now he is stronger and united than before.

The Russian army continues to focus on the city of Bacht, the city of Bach, while the Ukraine is fully resisting the enemy.At the time of the fierce battle of the two armies, the Ukrainian President Zelei Sky Sunday suddenly expelled the co -commander Moscarov, the commander of the Udong battle, but did not explain the reason.