(Washington Composite Electric) The Wall Street Journal reported that the US Department of Energy believes that the source of coronal virus is likely to come from a laboratory in China, but the White House said that the American intelligence community still has different opinions on the source of crown disease.

The US Department of Energy has not been able to confirm the source of coronary virus before. The latest conclusion is said to have obtained new information, but the Ministry of Energy is "low in confidence."

The Wall Street Journal Sunday (February 26) reported that according to a confidential intelligence report provided to the White House and the main members of the Parliament, an unexpected leak from the Chinese laboratory is most likely to lead to the popularity of coronary virus.

However, the US National Security Consultant Sarawan emphasized that the intelligence community still had different opinions on the source of crown disease; he himself "could not confirm or deny" the Wall Street Journal.

Sunday was interviewed by the United States CNN on Sunday that President Biden had previously requested the National Laboratory of the Ministry of Energy to participate in the assessment of the source of coronary virus.

"If we get any further insights or information, we will inform Congress and the public. But as far as we are concerned, the American intelligence community has no exact answer to this question."

At present, only the FBI (FBI) and the US Department of Energy held the same view of the source of crown disease; four US intelligence units believe that the origin of crown disease lies in natural communication, and the remaining two institutions have not been concluded.

In addition, the Democratic Republican parties have failed to obtain unanimous opinions on this issue.Some Republicans say that they should account for accountability to China according to the latest conclusions of the source of coronary virus.

Tom Cotton, a Republican Senator of Arkansas, tweeted on Sunday: "It is confirmed by the Chinese laboratory's statement. This is not important. It is important to let China take responsibility and ensure that similar incidents no longer repeat."

Ken Buck, a Republican member of Colorado, also tweeted that the American people have the right to know the truth, and all experts and scholars should give you a reasonable explanation.

Intelligence officials believe that the source of retrospective coronary virus is essential for improving the global health crisis.However, they also emphasized that because China opposes further tracing the source of crown disease, it may be difficult or even impossible to find the answer to the source of crown disease.China had previously refuted these accountability comments because of "political motivation".

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on Monday (27th) that the traceability of coronal virus traceability is a scientific issue and should not be politicized.Relevant parties should stop stir -frying the "laboratory leakage" theory, stop discrediting China, and stop politicizing the traceability problem.

Earlier, the Director of Health Organization, Tan Dezai, promised that he would do his best to find the source of the coronal virus. He denied that the WHO had given up the source of the crown disease.