(Washington Composite Electric) The Director of the US Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Bureau Istide said that any invasion in mainland China may accompany large -scale network attacks against the United States and Western countries.be prepared.

Istily said on Monday (February 27) at the University of Carnegie Mellon that these invasion of China may cause multiple natural gas pipeline explosions, large -scale pollution in the US water supply system, and telecommunications systemsHide and so on.She said that these are all for "creating chaos and panic, and then deterning the ability of the United States to mobilize military forces and the will of citizens."

U.S. intelligence agencies and military have warned Mainland China to plan to attack Taiwan by 2027.However, the US National Intelligence Director Hanes said recently that according to the US evaluation, mainland China will continue to tend to unify Taiwan peacefully, and there is no sign that Beijing wants to implement the attack plan.However, Eastley said that there is a possibility of China's invasion and attacking in network space because Russia has suffered setbacks in Ukraine, making China increasingly pessimistic in this regard.

She said that Russia's military operations in Ukraine have not achieved expected goals so far, and Russia has not launched major cyber offensives on the West so far, and most of the online activities are still concentrated in Ukraine.She believes that in the minds of Chinese leaders, Russia's restraint is equivalent to losing opportunities to weaken the West.

Eastley has worked in the National Security Agency for many years and has studied aggressive network activities.She also said that American software companies did not take sufficient measures to protect products from online attacks, which may lead to "real damage" to the interests of American interests.

"The risks that unsafe technology brings to all of us are more dangerous and wider than the spy balloon, but for some reason, we accept this situation."

She believes that there is a big problem in the US Internet security because too many software manufacturers have not designed more secure products, nor to make users easier to maintain this security.

Isty's software design is not complete.She only quoted statistics from Twitter and Microsoft, saying that only a small number of individuals or business users used additional security measures when logging in to account."The burden of Wangan should not be completely on the customer, and the manufacturer must be responsible for the customer's network security." She called on technology product manufacturers to support "extreme transparency", disclose more solutions related to software design, and let experts assist for review.

According to analysis, Isty's remarks reflect the general concerns of American officials, that is, the major software programs used by millions of Americans often have vulnerabilities that can be used by hackers.Net security officials from the US government have been warning for many years that China has continuously collected the secrets of the US government and enterprises through the Internet; Beijing has denied these charges.

After a series of highly concerned hacking incidents occur, the Bayeng government introduced online security regulations for key areas such as oil and gas transportation pipelines.U.S. officials do not rule out more regulatory measures in the future to strengthen defense.