(Sydney Composite Electric) Australian Minister of the Interior, Australia, shows that the government will take action to "eradicate" foreign interference actions against politicians, scholars, and community leaders.

O'Neal said in a speech recently at the National Security Institute of the National University of Australia that foreign intervention is a core threat to Australia's democracy and says that Australia is facing "extremely major geopolitical challenges."

She revealed that the overseas government tried to win Australian elected politicians, took photos of demonstrators, and secretly affected the wind direction of university discussions.

She gives an example, and the intelligence agency stops Iran's monitoring of an Iranian Australian and his family.The activists monitored by Iran participated in a demonstration held in Australia's death of the Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini.

She said, "Foreign interference is not just from one country."She shows that the government will not tolerate the collection of sensitive personal information or monitoring peaceful demonstrators with different politicians, and will take more measures to fight.

When the Foreign Interference Law was submitted to the State Council in 2018, then Prime Minister Turnbull pointed out the activities of the Chinese government's interference in politics and universities, and Beijing expressed anger to the Australian side.

O'Neal did not mention China in his speech.Recently, the Australian side and the Chinese side seeking to repair diplomatic relations, Beijing has begun to relax the trade blockade of coal and agricultural products in Australia

She revealed that a university foreign intervention special working group is working with the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) to cope with the threat of "real and increasingly complex".

She quoted the intelligence organization: "Foreign intelligence agencies and their agents are very happy to use the openness of our universities and research institutions to steal intellectual property and cutting -edge technology products."