(Kiev Comprehensive Telecom) General Srski, chief of the Ukraine Army, went to the Udong front -line city of Bachomut to boost the combat morale and discuss the strategy of the Ukraine's area around the town.Military analysts predict that the Ukraine will "do his best" to defend Bach Murut's extremely fierce stronghold in the next few days.

Today, the Russian army has captured Bachmut as a strategic item to control the Untonton Bath Industrial Zone.

The Ukrainian army said that Searski (57 years old) listened to the war reports of the army commander and provided solutions.Selski is one of the most experienced commanders in Ukraine. He was recognized as behind the scenes of the Russian army against Kiev in the early days of the outbreak of the war, and the behind -the -scenes hero of the Russian army's attack on the Halkov region last September.

Silsky sits in Bachmut to ensure that the Ukraine must firmly defend the strategic town.At the beginning of the basic month, Syls said that Bach Murd had reinforced and became a truly indestructible fortress.

The Russian army has recently surrounded Bachomut and made some progress. Most of the local 70,000 residents have escaped, and there are currently only about 5,000.Even so, the Russian army failed to win it.

Last weekend, the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group claimed to occupy the village of Berkhivka and Yahidne, the village of Bachurut.The Russian army around the village of Hidne.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Sunday that the Russian army destroyed Ukraine's destruction and reconnaissance team included in the village of Ashidne.The Russian News Agency reported that the Ukraine bombed a dam in northern Bachmut.

The front line of southern Ukraine and the front line fiercely fought, especially near the area near Bachurut, the two sides entered a tug -of -war war.Military analysts said that Ukraine's counterattack against northern Bachomot last weekend can help stabilize the position there, but Moscow has been constantly investing in new soldiers and equipment.

Ukrainian military analysts Nondov published videos in social media saying that Russia may launch an attack from three aspects from three aspects (February 27)."Ukraine is doing his best to guard Bach Murd."