(Bloomberg Paris) The International Energy Agency pointed out that China's demand for natural gas this year is greater than expected, which may cause a strong blow to the European natural gas supply may be greater than Russia completely stopped supply.

According to the quarterly report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), although China's demand is "huge unknown", if the price drops again and the economy expands rapidly, the import of natural gas in China in 2023 may increase by 35 %.The report said that this will promote the global competition in fuel and may push the price to the "unsustainable" level that appeared last summer.

The strict crown disease prevention restrictions on Chinese energy demand have been canceled.The low demand in China is conducive to the importance of the number of liquefied natural gas imports from all over the world.Coupled with energy -saving measures and mild winter temperatures, the import of liquefied natural gas from various places enables Europe to spend a winter with low supply and heating demand for Russia, and put natural gas prices by more than 80%from historical highs.

The acceleration of China's economic growth this year should increase its fuel demand, but the biggest problem is whether this will increase the procurement of natural gas to the level of previous years.

The International Energy Agency pointed out the uncertainty of China's demand that there is a gap between 40 billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas net imports this year.The Energy Department believes that if the upper limit of this interval is reached, China's import will be much higher than the first peak in 2021.This gap is equivalent to about 8%of Europe's consumption this year.

Reports, in contrast, this gap is greater than the number of pipelines from Russia to Europe.

The Energy Department said that China's natural gas consumption is expected to rebound nearly 7%this year.Europe's consumption consumption has recorded the largest decline since last year, and the decline may slow down this year.The Energy Agency and European Union officials warned that the maintenance of consumer discipline is still crucial because of the decrease in the supply of the largest supply of Russia in the previous supply of Russia.