(Bangalore / Brussels Comprehensive Electricity) The Treasury Minister and Central Bank of the Governor of the Government of the 20th Guozo Group after meeting in Bangall, India, they could not reach a consensus on the Russian and Ukraine war issues.Essence

The Twenty Group (G20) Treasury Secretary and the Central Bank Governor Meeting Saturday (February 25), the rotating chairman Guo India issued a statement saying that most members "strongly condemned" Russia launched a war in Ukraine and in Ukraine, and and in Ukraine, andRussia must withdraw troops from Ukraine.Except for Russia and China, all other members of the G20 support the statement.

But the statement says that although the Russian and Ukraine War will have a significant impact on the global economy, the G20 is not a forum to solve security issues.Most members have condemned the war strongly, but there are different views and evaluations of the situation and sanctions."Hollowing conflicts, resolving crises, and diplomatic efforts and dialogue are crucial. Today's era must not have war."

The results of this meeting were similar to the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia last November. At that time, the host was also issued by the host Indonesia, admitting that the differences could not be resolved.

Participating representatives and sources actually revealed to the media before the meeting that the leaders of the financial circles of various countries could not reach a consensus on how to express the Russia -Ukraine War, and the meeting was likely to end without issuing a joint bulletin.

Several officials said that the United States and the Seventh -way Group (G7) allies insisted that they would directly condemn Russia to invade Ukraine in the bulletin, but Russia and China opposed it.China and Russia are also "dissatisfied" for discussing political issues.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen Earlier on Saturday, it was emphasized that it was necessary to condemn Russia to launch war in a joint communique.She said that if she did not do this, it would be a step back to the Declaration of Bali Island Summit.

France and Germany also stated that the condemnation of Russia at the meeting cannot be weakened than the joint statement reached by the Bali Summit.French Finance Minister Lemer told reporters: "Either we use the same language, otherwise everyone should not sign on the joint communiqué."

India still refuses to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Officials from the participating countries revealed that India had been required to not use the word "war" in the joint bulletin during the meeting.

The UN General Assembly passed Ukraine's peaceful resolutions on Thursday with an overwhelming support vote, requiring Moscow to withdraw troops from Ukraine immediately, and China and India both abstained their rights when voting.

The EU's 10th round of sanctions and influence on Russia has always been the largest

On the other hand, the anniversary of the outbreak of the European and U -wars announced the expansion of sanctions on Russia.

EU passed the 10th round of sanctions on Friday.This is the most powerful and influential one, including more stringent export restrictions on military -civilian dual -use products, and sanctions to support war or transport drones to Russia.

Britain and the United States have announced a broader sanctions on Russia. This time, it locks on Russian banks and defense industry, as well as third -party countries trying to avoid sanctions.The White House also said that from March 10, the United States will levy 200%import tax on aluminum and aluminum products produced in Russia.

The US Deputy Secretary of Student Ade Momo revealed that the Bayeng government will increase its efforts to prevent enterprises from all countries from providing Russia to provide military products and technologies that may be transformed into military.

However, some analysts pointed out that the international sanctions on Russia in the past year have not caused a fatal blow to the Russian economy.

Zelei: As long as the allies support hopes to repel the Russian military magazine this year