US Navy Minister Toro believes that China has a larger fleet and is deploying globally. The US fleet must make corresponding improvements in response.

(Washington News) The US Navy Minister Toro pointed out that the Chinese Navy is now more significant than the United States, the fleet is larger and the shipbuilding capacity is stronger. The United States must expand its fleet scale to respond.But he pointed out that China used slavery shipbuilding to attract US experts.

Carlos Del Toro said on Tuesday (February 21) in a speech to the National News Club that China has always tried to infringe the sovereignty and economic rights of other countries, including the United States in the South China Sea and other

He believes that China now has a larger fleet and is deploying globally. The US fleet must also make a corresponding improvement in response.

He revealed that the Chinese Navy may deploy as many as 400 ships in the next few years, higher than about 340 currently; the U.S. fleet has less than 300 ships.The goal of the U.S. Navy's plan released last summer is to have 350 warships in 2045, but this is still much lower than that of the Chinese fleet.

The output of the US Navy shipyard cannot be rivals with China

According to a report from the November of the U.S. Congress Budget Office, before achieving the target, due to the retirement of the old ship, the size of the US fleet is expected to reduce it.

The US Cable TV News Network quoted Toro's words that the output of the US Navy shipyard cannot be rivals with Chinese shipyards.He said: "They have 13 shipyards. In some cases, their shipyard has a greater production capacity, and the production capacity of a shipyard is more than the sum of all our shipyards. This constitutes a real threat."

Toro did not provide detailed information about these shipyards, but China and the West reported that there are six large shipyards and two smaller shipyards in China to build naval ships.

According to a report from the National Defense Center Sadler in October, seven U.S. shipyards produce giant ships with large displacement for the US Navy and the Coast Guard.

Toro said that a major problem in the United States is lack of skilled labor."When your unemployment rate is less than 4%, whether you are recruiting a restaurant or a shipyard, it will be a real challenge."

Toro also said, "They use slave workers while shipbuilding, right? This is not the way we should have."

Toro did not provide details to support his slave workers.It is difficult for analysts to believe that Beijing will make this strategy.Hermins, a very researcher at the American Institute of Enterprise and an expert at the Pacific National Defense Policy in India, said: "China has huge human resources and is really meaningless to use slave workers in high -tech fields in the high -tech field."

Heringer said that the naval leader's remarks show that the United States' attention has been miscalculated and it seems to be the norm.He said: "The naval leadership is not targeting the truth or imagination of the Chinese shipbuilding industry, instead of thinking why the United States has failed to conceive, design and build ships for the Navy in the past 20 years."

According to a report from the November of the US Congress Research Service, the US Navy has taken measures to reduce the gap with China, including sending more fleets to the Pacific Ocean and using updated and stronger ships in the Pacific region.