(Morning News) Ukraine President Zelei said that no matter in any form of peace process, he hopes that China can participate in it and plan to meet with Chinese officials.

Comprehensive BBC and Agence France-Presse reported that Zeleianzki entered The first anniversary of invasion of Ukraine held a press conference.

Zelei Sky said that as long as the Ukrainian allies "fulfill their commitments and abide by the delivery (weapon) period", the victory "will belong to us."

Zelei also said that he is doing his best to prevent China from providing weapons to Russia to avoid the risk of any "Third World War".

He said: "I plan to meet Chinese officials. This is very important for world security."

Zelei Sky did not explain when he plans to meet with Chinese officials, but he expressed his hope that China would support a "fair peace" and Ukraine.

"I am really willing to believe that China will not provide weapons to Russia. This is very important for me."

The Chinese government issued a Chinese position on the first anniversary of the Russia and Ukraine War on February 24th on the Chinese position on the Ukrainian crisis. It is recommended that all parties should maintain rationality and restraint to avoid further deterioration or even out of control of the Ukraine crisis.Restore direct dialogue, gradually promote the downgrade of the situation, and finally achieve comprehensive ceasefire.

Documents call for conflicts to strictly abide by international humanitarian law and avoid attacking civilians and civilian facilities. They should protect the victims of conflict between women and children and respect the basic rights of prisoners of war;

Documents also emphasize that there are peace nuclear facilities such as armed attack nuclear power plants; opposition to the use of or threatening the use of nuclear weapons; opposing any country to develop and use biochemical weapons under any circumstances.