(Washington / Beijing Composite Television) It is reported that the US government is thinking about whether to disclose information on providing weapons to Russia for providing weapons.

So far, China has been cautiously limited to financial assistance and oil procurement of Russia. However, Wall Street Journal has quoted European and American officials on Wednesday (February 22) that the latest information obtained by the West in the past few weeks shows that BeijingIt seems that there is a change in Russia's position, and it may not be restrained in weapons supply, but there is no final decision.

A senior Western official said, "What substantial assistance will China provide Russia still has a certain degree of vagueness so far, but the latest intelligence reflects that the degree of vagueness is reduced." However, he said that Beijing may not output to Russia to Russia.Advanced weapons may assist the Russian army to fill the ammunition consumed in the Ukrainian battlefield, or Moscow's electronic products that cannot be produced under sanctions.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said in an interview with Reuters on Thursday that NATO has seen signs that China is considering providing weapons for Russia and may be planning."This is why the United States and other allies have been very clearly opposed. Of course, China should not support illegal war in Russia."

Some analysts believe that if China provides war weapons to Russia, it will violate their calls that they have always asked to stop war and will exacerbate Western countries' distrust of China.

U.S. State Department spokesman Price said on Wednesday that the United States has warned China not to provide Russia with weapons and other "fatal aids", and pay close attention to whether Beijing has given Moscow further diplomatic and economic support.

Priece said, "We have not seen China with" fatal support "to Russia, but we think they have not taken this kind of support from the negotiating table, so we are worried., Pay attention to any potential violations. "

Priece means that China has already supported Russia through other channels, including assisting in spreading the publicity information of Moscow; he said that the United States has made it clear to China that once China began to push the war to a favorable Russia, it will give the United States to the United StatesThe bilateral relations of the medium -sides brings real adverse consequences.Priece pointed out that the United States would not hesitate to sanction Chinese companies, but he refused to explain the details, only to say that "ambiguous" is here, which is in line with the interests of the United States.

China: Only slander and smear

In response to the Wall Street Journal report, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Thursday that any information about China provided weapons to Russia released by the United States, """ ".

China and the United States have accused each other a week ago on the issues of China ’s might and Russia.U.S. Secretary of State Brills, in an interview with the US media last Sunday, said that China considers providing "fatal support" to Russia, including weapons and ammunition.China has denied this and pointed out that the United States has no right to pointed at Sino -Russian relations and even coerces pressure.