The Russian and Ukraine War ● One Anniversary

United University opposes the "UN Charter Principles of the United Nations Charter" jointly submitted by the United Nations of Ukraine by 141 votes in favor and seven votes, and "realize the principles of comprehensive, fair and lasting peace in Ukraine in Ukraine in Ukraine."There are 32 member states abstained.

On the eve of the UN General Assembly of the Russian and Ukraine War, the Ukrainian resolution was passed by overwhelming support votes, requiring Russia to "immediately, thoroughly, and unconditionally withdraw all military forces from the internationally recognized Ukrainian border."However, the resolution was "useless" by Russia.

The United University of China on Thursday (February 23) objected to 141 votes and seven votes, and passed the resolution of "the United Nations Charter Principles that achieves comprehensive, fair, and lasting peace in Ukraine" jointly submitted by 75 countries such as Ukraine.Russia, White Ross, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali and Nicaragua were voted against votes.There are 32 member states abstained, including China, India, Iran, Laos, Vietnam, Pakistan, South Africa, Cuba, etc.

Ukrainian President Zelezky welcomes the results.He posted a post on Twitter: "This resolution is a strong signal that the world unswervingly supports Ukraine."

The resolution is not legal to be legal, and can only be under pressure to make public opinion in Russia internationally. Therefore, it was reprimanded by Russia's resident deputy representative of the United Nations as "useless".

Russia: Pushing threats to the distance to the Polish border is also at the expense of

Modvedev, vice chairman of the Russian National Security Conference, responded on Friday that the only way for Russia to achieve long -lasting peace is to push the threat to Russia to the farthest."This is the reason why all the goals of special military operations are so important. Pushing the boundaries that threatens our country as far as possible, and push to the Polish border."

The voting results of the United University on this resolution on March 2nd, March 24th and October 12th, last year, condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and annexing Ukrainian territory.There are almost the same countries that oppose votes and abstains.There is a close interests with Russia who vote against votes and abstains, such as relying on Russia's resources, weapons or geopolitical advantages.

Professor Liao Zhenyang, Dean of the Academy of Humanities, Art and Social Sciences of Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although Western countries depicted the war into a duel of democracy and autocracy, other democratic countries and autocratic countries in the world did not seate.Instead, foreign decisions are made based on their own national interest considerations.

He said: "Small nations must adjust foreign policies according to the changes in geopolitical changes, and large powers such as China and India must also adjust in response to geopolitical changes. India must be between the traditional relationships with Western countries and modern relations with Russia.Make a delicate balance. "

The European Council On Foreign Relations (ECFR) survey of 15 countries such as Europe and the United States and China and India shows that Western countries have shown unity since the outbreak of the Russian war in Russia and Ukraine.Russia is a common opponent.

However, Liao Zhenyang believes that the results of the United University's voting and the development trend of the past year did not show the formation of camps."Although the results of the voting seem to be the same, the reasons for voting in various countries are different. Although NATO seems to dominate the support of Western countries in Ukraine, it is actually the United States that really dominates the United States./P>

ECFR's survey results announced on Wednesday also show that although many European interviewees want the war to end as soon as possible, many people have stated that if Ukraine can defeat Russia to achieve a decisive victory, they are willing to endure the Russian and Ukraine war for a longer time.American interviewees also believe that if long -term peace is to be obtained, Ukraine must regain territory.

China, India, Turkey and other countries have different opinions.54 %, 48 %, and 42 % of India, Turkey, and China believe that if the territory can stop the territory, Ukraine should do this as soon as possible.

70 % of the Turkish people in India and the Turkish people in China are the allies as allies

The Chinese government issued a Chinese position on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis on Friday, calling on Russia and Ukraine to stop fire and start peace talks, but did not dispose of the Ukrainian territorial expression of Russia.


ECFR survey also shows that East and Western people have a very different attitude towards Russia.71 %, 77 %, and 65 % of the United States, Britain, and EU countries believe that Russia is "opponent" or "competitors".80 %, 79 %, and 69 % of India, China, and Turkey are regarded as Russia as "allies" or "partners".

ECFR pointed out that India and Turkey are democratic countries. Turkey is also a member of NATO and the EU candidate.Support Russia, which may disappoint Europeans.However, non -Western people are also disappointed in the West. They believe that Western countries have double standards for settling Ukrainian refugees and Syrian refugees, which is a hypocritical manifestation.