(Morning News) Ukraine President Zelei said that he has not seen the peace plan promised by China, and he hopes to meet with Beijing before evaluating the plan.

Agence France -Presse reported that Beijing had previously promised to announce the "political solution" proposed for the Ukraine conflict this week.Friday (February 24) is Russia's first anniversary of invasion of Ukraine .

On Thursday, Zeleiski said in a press conference with the Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, who visited Kiev, saying: "China tells us that they have such an initiative. But I haven't seen this document yet."

Zelei Sky said: "I think China began to talk about Ukraine and send some signals. Generally speaking, this is a very good thing."

He said: "We will make conclusion after seeing the specific content of them ... we hope to meet with China."

Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Moscow on Wednesday.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zaharava issued a statement on Thursday that Lavrov did not discuss the "peace plan" proposed on the Ukraine issue when meeting with Wang Yi.

She said that some politicians and media of some Western countries and the media's reports on the "China Peace Plan" are the same as usual, distorting the real situation.

Zaharava said that China has shared their views on the root cause of the Ukraine crisis and a solution to the problem of solving problems at the political level, but did not talk about any individual plans.