(Ottawa Comprehensive) The Canadian Ministry of Defense said that it knows that China has recently tried to monitor Canada through air and sea, and has continued to prevent Chinese surveillance from last year.

The Canadian Global Post reported on Tuesday (February 21) that the Canadian armed forces discovered China's surveillance floating device in the Arctic last fall.

The Canadian Ministry of Defense spokesman confirmed on Wednesday that officials have noticed that China has tried to use military -civilian dual -use technology to monitor Canadian territory from air and maritime, but refuses to disclose more details.He also said that the Canadian military has been blocking such actions since last year.

The BBC pointed out that China has long been interested in the Arctic. As climate change causes the ice cover to melt, China hopes to open up the trade route and obtain emerging resources that can lead to Europe faster through the North Pole.

Experts believe that while China conducts scientific research in the Arctic, it is also monitoring local military assets.The United States, Canada, Finland, Russia, Norway, and Sweden are actively developing the North Pole regions that are rich in resources.

Senior researcher at the International Governance Innovation Center and former senior official of the Canadian armed forces Ma Zoolin pointed out that Canada has always regarded the North Polar as a safe area that has almost threatened threats, but Russia and China have changed the attention of the Arctic.

He said: "Canada is forced to examine how we should deploy our security, military defense and economic development activities to protect the interests of Canada and the United States."

Canadian Foreign Minister Jolly said in an interview with the United States Cable Television News (CNN) on Wednesday that she believes that China is an increasingly destructive force, and revealed that the United States and Canada are closely cooperating to protect the North American airspace, as well as Canada in Canada.Sovereignty in the Arctic region.

In addition to being accused of monitoring Canada, China has also been accused of intervening in the Canadian election in 2021.

At a regular press conference on Thursday, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the Canada to stop the unseen speculation and discredit.The spokesman also said that China would not interfere with his domestic affairs.