(New York / Seoul Composite Electric) The United States criticized the United Nations Security Council on Monday that it was dangerous for the United Nations Security Council to take any action on North Korea's test missiles, and implied that China and Russia "forced" the Security Council to remain silent.

North Korea conducted dozens of missile tests in 2022, but China and Russia rejected a resolution that originally had to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang last May.

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield Monday (February 20) said at the emergency meeting of the Security Council: "Faced with unprecedented launch last year, two permanent members forced us to remain silent.Silence leads to irrelevant. "

Grimfield warned that the security will take action to make North Korea more dare to do more and make more missile tests without worrying about the consequences.She also said that even if the State Council's permanent member of the State continues to obstruct, the United States will still propose a statement condemning North Korea for launching missiles.

Other members of the Security Council, including Japan, also condemned North Korea's provocations.

Greenfield did not blame the entire Security Council, but directly blamed China and Russia without the absence of name.

She said that the current situation is that those countries that protect North Korea from the consequences of the test of sustainable missiles are the danger of putting the Asian region and the entire world.She pointed out that because the Security Council approved the implementation of sanctions in 2017, Pyongyang has not carried out any major provocations in the past five years and talks with the West.

Korean human rights organization: radioactive material material has spread

In addition, a South Korean Human Rights Organization Transformation and Justice Working Group (TJWG) issued a report on Tuesday that from 2006 to 2017, North Korea started six nuclear tests secretly in the underground nuclear test field of Fengxi.To eight nearby cities and counties, it will affect more than 1 million local population.

North Korea, China, and Japan in North Korea may also face the risk of contacting radioactive substances because North Korea smuggled agricultural products and fishing.

The organization established in 2014 cooperates with experts and northern people in the field of nuclear and medical care, and uses intelligence and public government and United Nations reports to study.The study was supported by the US National Democratic Foundation, a US National Democratic Foundation funded by the US Congress.

Seoul and Washington have said that Pyongyang may prepare for the seventh nuclear test.