(Washington Composite Electric) The United States claims that China is considering providing weapons and ammunition for Russia. China has denied that the United States has no right to pointed at Sino -Russian relations.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings Sunday (February 19) was interviewed by the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) that some Chinese companies have provided "non -fatal support" to Russia, and new intelligence shows that Beijing also considers Beijing to think from Moscow to Moscow.Provide "fatal support", including weapons and ammunition.

He said: "We have stated to the Chinese side that this will bring serious problems to the United States and China -US relations."

Brinton accepted an interview with the Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on the same day that as early as the early days of the Russian and Ukraine War in March last year, US President Biden had stated to Chinese officials that he was concerned that China might provide fatal support for Russia and assisted RussiaAvoid sanctions.

Agence France -Presse quoted the Bayeng government sources reported that since then, China has "carefully avoided the line of the line, including delaying the sale of fatal weapon system for battlefields."

In response to the US statement, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday that it was the United States instead of the Chinese side that continued to provide weapons to the battlefield.Pointing to China -Russia relations, drawing hands and even coercion.

He reiterated that China ’s position on the Ukrainian issue is to persuade and talk about talks, and urge the United States to do practical things for persuasion and talk, stop the pots and push the pot, and spread false information.

Recently, Sino -US relations have deteriorated due to the suspected Chinese spy balloon of the United States. Bollingakin met with the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Work Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party of China on Saturday (18th) at the Munich Safety Conference.The talks failed to achieve results.

Kori Schake, who has worked at the US State Department and Pentagon and is currently the director of the US Enterprise Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Defense Policy Research, pointed out: "Sino -US relations are becoming more and more fragile. If China provides Russia with the WestThe assistance provided by Ukraine will deepen the West's view that China is international malicious forces. "

Wang Huiyao, chairman of China Global Think Tank, believes: "There is no better meeting than not. Both sides look tough -they have to cater to the country's public opinion."

New Year: If China does provide weapons to the world may be trapped again

Analysis of the New York Times pointed out that although Brinken and Wang Yi emphasized that the government of the two countries had no intention of seeking a new cold war, if China provided weapons for Russia, the world may be caught in the Cold War again.At that time, the Russian and Ukraine War will evolve into an epoch -making conflict involving the three superpowers of the United States, China and Russia and their allies: on the one hand, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea; on the other hand, the United States, Ukraine, and European and Asian allies, including JapanAnd South Korea.

Xing Yue, a professor of international relations at Tsinghua University, believes that China and the United States cannot communicate in the short term, and the tension between the two countries may not be alleviated before summer.She pointed out: "Sino -US relations are not only related to the two countries, but also the relationship between China and Western countries. On the issue of China and the United States, Europe will stand in the United States."

All countries are paying close attention to the direction of Sino -US relations, including Brazil and Singapore leaders to warn the military and economic overflow effects of long -term conflict between China and the United States, and indicate that they are unwilling to choose a side station between the two countries.

Sino -US relations are becoming more and more fragile.If China provides the West to Ukraine for assistance in Russia, it will deepen the West's view that China is international malicious forces in China.
