Bloomberg quoted two senior diplomats that the concentrated uranium has been abundant in Iran reached 84%.It is only six percentage points lower than the level of nuclear weapons.

(Vienna Composite Electric) International checkup officers discovered concentrated uranium in Iran last week. The purity is close to the level required to manufacture nuclear weapons, which makes the outside world worry that Iran's nuclear activities are not limited and may cause a new crisis.

Iran's concentrated uranium produced since April 2021 has a maximum abundance of 60%.Bloomberg quoted two senior diplomats as saying that the abundance of concentrated uranium discovered in Iran was 84%, which is the highest level found by inspectors so far. This is only six percentage points lower than the level of nuclear weapons.

IAEA (IAEA) is trying to find out how Iran concentrates uranium to 84%. Iran has previously told IAEA that the configuration of its centrifugal machine can only reach 60%of the abundance.

Inspectors must determine that high -abundant concentrated uranium is intentionally produced by Iran, or accidentally accumulated in the pipeline network connecting hundreds of centrifuge.This is the second time that the inspector discovered suspicious activities with concentrated uranium.

A diplomat pointed out that in the past, high -abundance concentrated uranium was accidentally accumulated in technical problems that had occurred in the first centrifugal mobility, but even if the concentrated uranium discovered this time was formed, this still highlights the high abundance of Iran's production.The risk of concentrated uranium.

In response to media reports, the International Atomic Energy Agency on Sunday (February 19) issued a post on Twitter that it is discussing the results of recent inspection activities with Iran and will notify the International Atomic Energy Agency Council as appropriate.

Iran: high -tech particles appear during uranium concentration, very common

Iran denies concentrated uranium with more than 60%of production.Iranian Atomic Energy Organizer Caman Di told Iranian Fasc News Agency on the same day that during the process of uranium concentration, there may be more than 60%of particles. Inspectors have found these particles, which is common and does not mean that it does not meanThe overall concentrated uranium products exceeded 60%.

He emphasized: "The important thing is that the final product, Iran has not tried to produce more than 60%of concentrated uranium."

He said that there was no need to notify the members of the member country to discover the high -tech uranium particles at all, and the incident was leaked to the Western media, which was obviously intended to "discredit Iran and distort the facts."He said that the international atomic agency has become a "political tool" that some countries used to pressure Iran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is writing quarterly supervision report on Iran's nuclear issue, and the report will be released next month.A diplomat said that Iran has not yet presented the required form to declare that it intends to increase the concentration of uranium concentration of the two production facilities.

Iran reached an agreement with the Iranian nuclear issue with the US, Britain, France, Russia, and Germany in July 2015.According to the agreement, Iran promises to restrict its nuclear plan in exchange for the international community to terminate sanctions against Iran.In May 2018, the Trump administration unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement, and then restarted and added a series of sanctions on Iran.Iran returned to teeth to gradually suspend part of the terms of performance of the agreement and expand its nuclear plan.

Gracey, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said last month that the Iranian nuclear issue agreement has become a "empty shell". Iran now has enough nuclear raw materials to make multiple nuclear weapons.