(Munich Composite Electric) Stoltenberg, Secretary -General of NATO, warned that relations between China and Russia have become increasingly closer, and all countries that believe in "democracy and freedom" should unite to fight against autocracy.

Stoltenberg, on Friday (February 17) at the sidelines at the Munich Safety Conference in Germany, NATO is closely paying close attention to "the increasingly improved and strengthening relationship between China and Russia."

He said: "When the authoritarian countries are getting closer and closer, all countries that believe in democracy and freedom to stand with partners from all over the world are more important."

He believes that Beijing is closely paying close attention to the Russian and Ukraine War, because if Putin wins the war, this will affect Beijing's future calculations and decisions.

For Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China has repeatedly tried to maintain neutrality, and so far has not condemned Moscow's aggression.Western powers are worried that mainland China may imitate Russia and martial arts against Taiwan.

The three -day Munich Security Conference opened on Friday. More than 40 heads of state and government, and heads of international organizations attended the meeting.

When the US Vice President Harris met with French President Macron and Germany's Prime Minister Tsugs, he also discussed the Chinese issue.

The White House issued a statement saying that Harris and French leaders "discussed the challenges of China, including maintaining the importance of rules -based international order, and agreed that the three countries would be closely consistent in this issue."

Earlier this month, the United States shot down the Chinese balloons that appeared over the state of South Carolina, making US -China relations nervous again.The two sides held their own words. The United States said that it was a reconnaissance or spy balloon, and China insisted that it was a civilian meteorological research airship that deviated from the scheduled route.

Harris was interviewed by the US MSNBC TV station, and defended the United States to handle the Chinese balloon incident and then shot down three other unknown flight objects.

Harris said that Chinese balloon "must be shot down because we are convinced that China uses it to monitor Americans."