(Kiev Composite Electric) U.S. President Bynden will suddenly visit Kiev, Ukraine's capital on the occasion of Russia and Ukraine, and announced that it will provide more weapons for Ukraine, and once again promise to resolutely support Ukraine against aggression.

Bynden flew to Kirfu on Monday (February 20) without a forecast at all.This is the first visit to Ukraine since the Kai -war of Russia and Ukraine, and has demonstrated its support for Ukraine.The White House had previously announced that Biden would visit Poland on the first anniversary of the Russia and Ukraine War, but did not disclose that he would go to Kiev first.

Byndon met with Ukraine President Zessky.He said: "When Putin launched an invasion nearly a year ago, he thought Ukraine was weak, and the West was split. He thought he could stick to us longer than us. However, he was wrong."

He said that in the past year, the United States has established a national alliance from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It will assist in defending Ukraine through unprecedented military, economic and humanitarian assistance. Such support will continue.

Biden also announced that the United States also provided Ukraine with a new batch of military assistance of US $ 500 million (about S $ 668 million), including artillery and ammunition, anti -armored system and air surveillance radar. The details will be in the details.Announced on Tuesday (21st).

During the visit to Kiev, the local air strike alarm sounded, but there was no report from Russia to launch an air strike.

The White House Guoan adviser Sha Liewen said that the United States notified the Russian side a few hours before Biden's departure.

He said that this is the first time that the US President's visit to war and the key infrastructure of the local key infrastructure are not controlled by the US military, so it is a modern interview with "unprecedented".Despite risks, Biden believes that visiting Kiev at this critical moment is important.

Zelei said that Biden's visit was an important signal for the United States to support Ukraine.He said that the continuous support of the United States and allies made Russia have no chance to defeat.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kulbaba said: "This visit is the victory of the Ukrainian people and President Zelezki ... This releases a clear signal to Russia -no one is afraid of you!"

American allies also welcomed Biden's visit to Wu.A German government spokesman said that this was a "good sign"; Polish President Foreign Consultant Puritez said that it was determined to continue to support Ukraine.

The time point of Biden's visit is also intriguing, because the next day, on Tuesday, Putin will make an important speech, and it is expected that the goal after the war enters the second year.

Russian political analysts Stannovaa said on Monday: "Tomorrow's speech is expected to be very tough, indicating that the relationship with the West has broken. Now it seems that the speech may be modified and the content may be tough." She pointed out that for the Kremlin, Biden's visit to Kiev was a clearer evidence that the Russian and Ukraine War had evolved into the war between Russia and the West.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong announced on the same day that the leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) and Zelei Sky will hold a video conference on Friday (24th), the first anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War.

Japan is the chairman of the G7 round.Kishida also announced that it will provide Ukraine with an additional $ 5.5 billion in financial assistance to help it rebuild and support the economy.