(Morning News) The Yonhap News Agency quoted the South Korean United Staff Headquarters, and the South Korean military detected on Monday (February 20) that the naked ballistic missile launched the North Korean Peninsula on the same day.

The Korean military is analyzing the parameters of its range, high shooting, speed, and other parameters.

This is the third time North Korea fired again after launching intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) last Saturday, which is also the third time this year.

North Korea at around 5:22 pm on the 18th, to the eastern waters of the Peninsula in Shun'an, Pyongyang, to test a "Mars-15" intercontinental ballistic missile with a high elevation angle.Sea.

In order to deal with intercontinental ballistic missiles in North Korea, South Korea and America carried out joint air performers over the Korean Peninsula Sunday and invested in US strategic weapons.The exercise used the South Korean Air Force F-35A and F-15K fighters, and the US Air Force F-16 fighter to escort the US B-1B strategic bomber who enters the Korean Air Defense Recognition Zone (KADIZ) and perform joint formation flight.