North Korea launched a suspected intercontinental ballistic missile on Saturday (February 18) to the east waters, which once again attracted international attention.Analysis believes that North Korea's move may hold multiple joint military exercises in protest against the United States and South Korea.

This is after North Korea launched a short -range ballistic missile to the eastern waters of the peninsula on January 1 with a large rocket cannon, which was launched 48 days after 48 days.

According to the United Staff of South Korea, at 5:22 pm on Saturday, the military found that North Korea launched a remote ballistic missile from the Shun'an area of Pyongyang to the east, "may be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)."

South Korea and the intelligence department speculate that North Korea is likely to launch the intercontinental ballistic missile "Mars-17" from a high angle, but it is still waiting for precision analysis.

The Ministry of Defense of Japan said that the missile launched by North Korea is an intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 14,000 kilometers, which is enough to cover the entire territory of the United States.However, it is estimated that the missile was about 900 kilometers, the maximum height was about 5700 kilometers.It flew for about 66 minutes, and it is estimated that it landed around 6:27 pm in the Japan Sea in the exclusive economic zone in Hokkaido, Japan.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tian Wenxiong said that he will do his best to collect and analyze the information, quickly and accurately notify the public, and prepare for unpredictable possibilities.

The United States has issued strong condemnation

The South Korean military said that North Korea's launching missiles destroyed stability and provocative behavior, and blatantly violated a number of resolutions from the United Nations Security Council.The military is closely tracking and monitoring related trends through the U.S. -South Korea close cooperation system, and strengthening the alert response to all possible emergencies.

The White House subsequently issued a statement "strongly condemn" North Korea launched intercontinental missiles. "There is no need to exacerbate the tension and may destroy the stability of the regional security situation."The White House also emphasizes that the United States will take "all necessary measures" to ensure the security of the United States, as well as the security of South Korean and Japanese allies.

South Korea's analysis community pointed out that the United States and South Korea will be held on the 22nd of this month to use extended deterrent methods aimed at the North Korean nuclear threat to use exercises (DSC TTX). Large -scale joint military exercises will also be held in mid -March.It may be for these activities.

The day before (17th), a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea, warned: "The United States and South Korea planned to conduct more than 20 joint military exercises this year, in an attempt to improve the general performance of the largest field mobile tactical training.The situation of the Korean Peninsula and the region will be fell into a tension again. Since the United States and South Korea openly show a sinister attempt to occupy a long -term military advantage on the Korean Peninsula and region, we have to respond. "

Public opinion also believes that the new version of the National Defense White Paper released by the Ministry of National Defense on the 16th was called North Korea as "enemies" after six years, and North Korea may protest.

North Korea launched intercontinental ballistic missiles suspected of "Mars-17" on November 3 and 18 last year. The second launch was judged by the outside world as "successful launch".

Hong Yan, the head of the North Korean Research Office of South Korea's unified research institute, pointed out that most of the new type of intercontinental missiles, medium -range ballistic missiles or KN series of new short -range missiles launched in Shun'an, Pyongyang.

If North Korea tested this new solid fuel -containment guided missile, which was just debuted on the 8th of this month, it would be even more disturbing.