A spokesman for the White House National Security Council Kobe said at a press conference on Friday that although the balloon incident caused tight Sino -US relations, the two countries' diplomats were still communicating.He said: "State Secretary of State Brillin still maintains a smooth communication channel with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We still have an embassy in Beijing ... the State Council can also communicate directly with the Chinese Embassy here." (Washington Composite Electric) The White House said that after the United States shot down the suspected Chinese spy balloon, the diplomatic communication channels of the two countries were still unblocked, but the ties of the military of the two countries were still closed.The United States has ended the work of salvaging Chinese balloon wreckage and two other unknown flight objects. Investigators are analyzing the internal structure of Chinese balloon.

White House: I hope to restore the military hotline of the military

The White House National Security Council spokesman Cerbin said on Friday (February 17) that although the balloon incident caused tension between China and the United States, diplomats between the two countries were still communicating.He said: "State Secretary of State Brillin still maintains a smooth communication channel with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We still have an embassy in Beijing ... the State Council can also communicate directly with the Chinese Embassy here."

"Unfortunately, the military hotline is still closed, which is really what we want to improve."

In August last year, after the US House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan, China cut off several military communication channels and bilateral dialogue in other fields.

Cerbie also said that it is not the "appropriate time" of Blingken's visit to China, and Washington has not officially requested to talk to China officially."But this does not mean that it will not happen ... There are no prerequisites for the two parties, and the president (Biden) hopes to talk to President Xi at the right time."

The Deputy Minister of the US Department of Defense, who is responsible for policy affairs, meets that when the editorial department of the New York Times meets, it is speculated that Chinese officials may not know the Chinese balloon flying over the United States beforehand.

Chinese official is also chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.However, Karl believes that the balloon incident highlights the differences between China's highest cultural leadership and military, and states that Chinese officials "do not trust his army."

The United States finds the balloon sensor and is analyzing the internal structure

Carl said: "I think they (China) is very embarrassing to the whole situation. They want the relationship between the two countries to return to the right track ... (also in the United States) hopes that things can return to the stage of mature dialogue between the two sides."

The United States announced on Friday that it has completed the recycling of the recycling of suspected Chinese spy balloon wreckage near South Carolina, and found the balloon sensor and other wreckage. Investigators are currently analyzing the internal structure of the balloon.

Cerbin said: "(Library) is huge, including the effective load structure and some electronics and optical devices. These are currently in the Laboratory of the United States Federal Investigation Agency in Cumkco, Virginia."

He revealed that when the United States flew over its airspace, the United States had observed a lot of information about balloons."We believe that through in -depth understanding of the internal structure, operation principles and functions of the balloon, we will know more."

The U.S. military has previously said that the collection of wreckage can help anti -intelligence officials determine how Beijing collects and transmits reconnaissance information.

The Northern United States Northern Command also issued a statement on Friday night that the operation of searching the wreckage of flying objects in Alaska and Lake Houlun has ended, and no wreckage was recovered; another flight was shot down over the Kukong Lake in Canada.

US $ 440,000 to shoot down a flight or only $ 12 miniature balloon

(Washington, DC) Three of the four flying objects recently shot down in the United States have not yet been found out what it is.However, a number of media reported that one of the flights fired by the US military with a value of nearly 440,000 US dollars (about S $ 588,000) missiles may be only a miniature balloon worth $ 12.

A high -altitude ball club named "North Elino Bottle Card Ball Ballow Brigade" revealed that their balloon disappeared in Alaska on February 11.

The blog published by the club did not associate the balloon from the United States, but according to the trajectory of the disappeared micro balloon, the U.S. F-22 fighter aircraft was shot down in the Canadian sky on the same day.it.

The last time the miniature balloon was reported on the early morning of the 11th on the HageMeister of Hagemeister on the north bank of Alaska Bayto; its final record height was 11,560 meters.

According to the northern Illinois bottle cap, the club was established in June 2021. The members are a small group of micro balloon enthusiasts.The diameter of the micro -balloon they released is about 81 cm, and the flight height is between 9,753 meters and 15,240 meters, which is similar to commercial aircraft.This type of balloon carries, solar panels and antenna components are lighter than birds.