North Korean leader Kim Jong -un frequently brought female Jinzhuai to attend the event, causing speculation.The analysis believes that the four -star general bowed to the 10 -year -old Jinzhu Ai 90 degrees and even issued "Golden Bead Love Stamps". Judging from, Jinzhuai has been selected as a successor.Some analysts believe that Jin Zhuai, who has not graduated from elementary school, is difficult to become a successor in North Korea, who is a male and female. Kim Jong -un is just a "daughter control".

Zheng Chengchang, chief of the Strategic Research Office of the Institute of Research, believes that Jin Zhuai is determined to be internally designated as Kim Jong -un's successor.North Korea ’s labor news has used the word“ noble children ”for Kim Jaurel’ s love.

He pointed out that labor news said that Jinzhuai love is Kim Jong -un's "the most loved child"; he shows the white horse of Kim Jong -un and Jinzhu's love on the parade;Zhu Ai was selected as the successor.

Zheng Chengchang said that after Kim Jong Il set up Kim Jong Un in 1992 as his successor, he only let a few close relatives know, causing the long -term speculation of Kim Jong -un's brother, Kim Jong -nam, may become a successor.Therefore, Kim Jong -un's public successor in advance prevented the outside world from underlying guessing, and also accumulated experience for successors from an early age.

However, Golden Zhongda, an expert in diplomatic security, said that North Korea's succession method was hidden until the end suddenly.From this point of view, Kim Jong -un was just a daughter control.The 10 -year -old daughter is appointed as a successor. No matter how unreasonable the North Korean system is, the risk is too great. This is the same as the idea of injecting "white -headed blood" to the public and providing a mascot performance.

Recently publishing Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un, and Kim, and Kim, and Kim Japanese -Japan News Diplomacy Line reporter Makino Ao believes that North Korea's successor may not be Jinzhuai, but the eldest son or second son of Kim Jong -un.Unlike his son, North Korea does not give her daughter studying abroad, and seems to want to use her as a propaganda tool for regime.

Makino Aibo is also a visiting professor at Hiroshima University.He said that North Korea asked Jinzhu to participate in public activities to manage the goal of North Korea.After Kim Jong -un's sister Kim and Zheng were overdentatively concerned, in order to let the outside world know that their children were the "protagonist", others were just "supporting role".Public Jinzhuai is a warning to the high -level high -level attempts to have a relationship with Jin and Zheng.

Park Yuankun, a professor at the Department of Korean Studies Department of Lihua Women's University, said: "Kim Jong -un is 40 years old, and he can rule 20 to 30 years in the future. If the 10 -year -old daughter becomes a successor, Kim Jong -un's power may be dispersed.Tolerance. "