• Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua Materials Anwar Materials announced the first batch of cabinet lists from 4 pm to 6 pm on Friday (December 2).

(Morning News) Singapore Daily quoted sources saying that Anwar will announce two deputy prime ministers and the list of ministers.As for the list of deputy minister, it will be postponed for one week.

Sources said: "Anwar must first announce the list of some cabinets so that the ministers can put in work as soon as possible to allow government affairs to operate normally. As for the deputy minister, Anhua still needs time consider."

According to the itinerary published by the Prime Minister's press secretary, Anwar will see Sudan Nazlin Sausa on Friday morning and return to the puppet constituency to thank the ticket.Sources said that Anwar would stay until around 2 pm before flying back to Kuala Lumpur by special plane.

It is reported that Anwar will enter the palace to meet the head of state tomorrow morning to seek the first batch of cabinet lists for the head of the head of state."The original Prime Minister planned to announce it on Thursday, but because some political parties have opinions on the cabinet list, Anwar has been mobilizing the list and delayed time."

The news pointed out that the two deputy prime ministers were expected to be Barisan Nasional and UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi and the Sarawak Political Party Alliance (GPS) party whip Fatra.