(Morning News) The Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi increased the budget of defense expenditure to 2%of the GDP (GDP) in 2027; Japan's national defense budget for a long time accounted for about 1%of GDP.

Kyodo News reported that Kishida Wenxiong conveyed this request to Minister of Defense Hamada Yinichi and Treasury Minister Hamada Yuichi on Monday (November 28), and once again emphasized that "the national defense budget needs to be urgently advanced within five years.To strengthen Japanese defense. "


supplementary budget seems to put funding in four fields including research and development and public infrastructure under a new framework.

Kishida Wenxiong decided to comprehensively reform Japan ’s defense and safety strategy, aiming to deal with China's increasing threat and the geopolitical pattern of continuously changing after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Ministry of National Defense has submitted a budget of $ 40 billion (about S $ 551.2 billion) in August, but the Japanese government must update several national defense policies to finalize the final budget.