The Japanese government has decided to adjust the principle of defense expenditure for nearly half a century. Within five years, the proportion of defense spending in GDP has increased from 1%to 2%. The reason is that the surrounding security situation is increasingly severe.

Japan's Prime Minister Kishida Nakato on Monday (November 28) in the evening with Minister of Defense Hamada Yichi and Treasury Minister Suzuki Suzuki announced that he would finalize a new policy on increasing the defense budget.

Hamada said at the press conference after the press conference that the government's goal is to be at the latest in fiscal 2027, and national defense expenses, including defense research and development expenditures, will increase to 2%of GDP (GDP).In the next five years, issues such as budget scale and financial resources will be resolved before the end of this year.

In order to ensure that the military and financial resources are sufficient, the special expert group of the Kishida government discusses countermeasures.According to senior officials within the Democratic Party, experts' suggestions include extensive tax increases. In addition to increasing corporate tax, it should also make up for the gap by increasing income tax and tobacco tax.Experts also suggested that temporary government bonds were issued before fiscal 2026 to fill the deficit caused by the expenditure caused by enlarged military expenses.

When Japan became the Prime Minister in 1976, he maintained military spending to account for about 1%of the GDP.The defense expenditure in 2022 was 5.4 trillion yen (about S $ 53.6 billion). Based on the current GDP, the new national defense budget will reach about 11 trillion yen.

According to Japanese media, one of the main purpose of the Kishida government's significant increase in military expenditure is to introduce weapons with "counterattack ability", which can directly hit the enemy's missile launch location, such as long -range missiles made in the United States and Tomahawk cruise missiles.Officials are also preparing to purchase other advanced arms to enhance their ability to fight.

Nikkei News reported that Kishida was going to write a national defense budget for 2%of the GDP in China to the "mid-term national defense plan" published at the end of the year at the end of the year.In order to ensure that there is enough military budget with sufficient funding support, he has instructed relevant departments to solve financial problems.

Reports also said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has increased the national defense budget to 2%, which has increased the confidence for the expansion of the army within the ruling party of Japan.

Many officials of the Liberal Democratic Party also revealed that the mid -term defense plan is to determine the equipment and total cost of the five -year self -defense team. The total budget of this plan is about 27.5 trillion yen, but in orderThis budget may also increase significantly.

According to Japanese media, one of the main purpose of the Kishida government's significant increase in military expenditure is to introduce weapons with "counterattack ability", which can directly hit the enemy's missile launch location, such as long -range missiles made in the United States and Tomahawk cruise missiles.Officials are also preparing to purchase other advanced arms to enhance their ability to fight.