The US Department of Defense on Tuesday to the Chinese military and security development report submitted to Congress on Tuesday pointed out that in the past two years, China has almost doubled the number of nuclear warheads.China began to "accelerate the expansion of nuclear arsenal" last year, and it is expected to have 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035.

(Washington Composite Electric) The US Department of Defense estimates that China currently has more than 400 nuclear warheads. If the existing expansion speed continues, the Chinese nuclear warhead may reach 1,500 by 2035.

The U.S. Department of Defense on Tuesday (November 29) to Congress China Military and Security Development Report pointed out that China has almost doubled the number of nuclear warheads in the past two years.China began to "accelerate the expansion of nuclear arsenal" last year, and it is expected to have 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035.

The number of Chinese nuclear warheads is far lower than that of Russia and the United States


Report also pointed out that China has worked hard to achieve the modernization of ballistic missiles and conducted about 135 missile tests last year.If the ballistic missile launched in conflicts in various places is excluded, this number exceeds the sum of other parts of the world.The Chinese army also continues to build three intercontinental ballistic missile launch venues, which will include at least 300 new intercontinental ballistic missile launch wells.

Washington regards China as a country that has potential for the United States. However, the number of Chinese nuclear warheads is still far lower than Russia and the United States.According to data from the Stockholm Institute of International Peace (SIPRI) in Sweden, Russia has 5977 nuclear warheads, the United States has about 3,700, and the total nuclear warheads in Russia and the United States account for about 90 % of the total world.

Although the estimates provided by the latest reports of the Pentagon do not indicate that Beijing has indeed accelerated the pace of the original very active nuclear warhead research and development, it is enough to highlight Washington's concerns about Beijing's intention to expand nuclear arsenal.

Pentagon News Secretary Laud pointed out that the increase in China's nuclear martial arts inventory will be a source of unstable."The more nuclear warheads, the greater the concerns of all parties, and the more unstable in East Asia ..."

Another senior official of the Pentagon building said: "Their (China) nuclear weapons have expanded too fast, so that they can't keep it in order to keep confidential.Enough deterrent nuclear weapons. "

The Voice of America quoted Baoman, the director of the Non -Government Organization to defend the Democratic Foundation of the Democratic Foundation, said that the quality and quantity of Chinese missiles are concerned, and "the strength of the Chinese missile tank is amazing."He said that the Chinese military modernization project has been "in order to improve its strength, especially the pursuit of the ability to defeat the United States."

Report: Washington does not think the war of the Taiwan Strait is imminent

The latest report of the US Department of Defense has also reiterated concerns about Beijing's constant pressure on Taiwan, but Washington does not think that the war of the Taiwan Strait is imminent.

A senior official who did not want to name the Pentagon pointed out that after Perosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, the sea and air operation of China in the Taiwan Strait have not fallen to a lower level before, showing that Beijing's sea and air implemented around Taiwan in TaiwanMilitary operations will become "new normal."

The senior official told reporters in the Pentagon: "Although we have not seen the attacking Taiwan forced, it is obvious that the high -pressure intimidation and coercion around Taiwan is worrying."

He also said that the US official believes that there is no sign of showing that China ’s attack is imminent, but I believe that China hopes that at least 2027 will have the ability to launch offensive.Essence

The increase in China's nuclear martial arts inventory will be a source of instability.The more nuclear warheads, the greater the concerns of all parties, and the more unstable in East Asia ...

—— Laudan Secretary of the Pentagon Building