Kim Jong -un, the top leader of North Korea, appeared with his daughter Jinzhu again. Some observers believe that she will be the successor of Kim Jong -un.

DPRK reported on November 27 that Kim Jong -un and his second daughter Kim Juyai successfully tested the meritorious people who fired the Mars -17 Intercontinental ballistic missile on November 18.However, according to Korean media reporting practice, this event may be carried out on the 26th.

Kim Jong -un said in a group photo: "In the world of dividing victory with strength, only the strong can defend the country's present and future. We should not be complacent about the success of we have achieved, but we should make our strongest strongestThe power is more absolutely irreversible, and continue to upgrade the infinitely enhanced defense power. "

DPRK reported that when Kim Jong -un and his "favorite daughter" appeared at the shooting scene, all participants made a thunderous "long live" cheer about Kim Jong -un.

On the 19th, the Korean official media announced the first photo of Kim Jong -un with Golden Pearl Ai to inspect the Mars -17 missiles. At that time, she was like a primary school student, wearing a white down jacket and stepping on red shoes.The photo released on the 27th was the second public appearance of Jinzhuai.Foreign media pointed out that she and her mother Li Xuezhu was printed by a mold.

On the 19th, the media only released six photos of golden bead love, but on the 27th, 15 Kim Jong -un held his daughter, smiled with his daughter, and photos of Golden Pearl Ai applauded for meritorious persons, handshake hands with the commander, and handshake.It shows the momentum of the daughter of the highest leader.

Analysis: Kim Jong -un wants to convey to protect the next generation of nuclear weapons

Zheng Chengchang, director of the North Korean Research Center of Sejong Research Institute, pointed out that North Korea ’s labor news was used to use the word“ dear child ”on the 19th, but on the 27th, she used“ the favorite child ”to call her, and the media emphasized that“ only follow the white head only with white heads.Bloodline, vowing to death, "clearly stated that Jinzhuai will become Kim Jong -un's successor in the future.

Liang Maojin, a professor at the North Korean Institute, believes that Kim Jong -un took his daughter again, emphasizing that only nuclear force can ensure the future of the younger generation of North Korea.Letting her daughter stand in front of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, it is Kim Jong -un emphasized the "dead white -headed blood" to the military.

However, he also pointed out that if he is a successor, he will be idolized, and he has not yet seen the related publicity activities of idol gold bead love.Therefore, the appearance of Jinzhu's second time can not be regarded as a successor. It can only be interpreted as North Korea issued information to "protect North Korea's next generation, requires nuclear weapons".

Hong Yan, the head of the North Korean Research Office of the Unified Research Institute in South Korea, said that Kim Jong -un took his child to the missile launch site, which may be trying to dilute the image of "enhancing combat effectiveness".

He said, just like Mrs. Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong -love, Sister Kim Jong Il's sister Kim Jingji, and Sister Kim Jong -un.Increase.

Although the North Korean media did not disclose the age and full name in the girl, the official Korean intelligence speculated that she should be the golden bead love born in 2013.There are two other children in Kim Jong -un and Li Xuezhu, one born in 2010, and one was born in 2017.