(Washington Composite Electric) Two US senior health officials questioned China's crown disease clearing policy and believed that it was meaningless to expand the immunity of the group by improving the vaccination plan.Essence

The United States Chief Infectious Disease Sunday (November 27) was interviewed by the US Broadcasting Corporation's program "This Week".He also believes that there are no vaccines developed by companies such as Modner, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and other companies in China.

Fuki pointed out that when the Chinese government implemented the sealing control, it seemed that it did not formulate a good "preparation for openness"."When they enter the long -term blockade, it seems that the goal is not determined or wanted to end. From the perspective of public health, it is meaningless."

The White House crown disease responded to coordinator Ashish Jia, said that it is very difficult to control the epidemic of crown disease through the zero -zero policy.

Ashishja said on the TV show "Face The National", "My suggestion to them is to ensure that everyone, especially the elderly vaccinated vaccine ... I think this is, this isGetting rid of the way of crown disease. The practice of blocking and clearing is difficult to maintain. "

Due to dissatisfaction with continuous strict control measures, protests have recently experienced in many places in China.

U.S. President Biden said earlier that the US crown disease epidemic was over, but in another TV visit on Sunday that the United States was still in the popularity of crown disease andThe division stands for concerns.

Said the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) program "Meet The Press": "As a public health official, I don't want anyone to see anyone suffering or died due to crown disease.Regardless of whether you are the Right Right Republican or the Democratic Democrat, everyone should enjoy good public health and safety, but this does not happen. "

Fuki said that 300 or four hundred people in the United States are still dying from crown disease every day, while the vaccination rate of the latest vaccine additional agent is less than 15%.