(Berlin Composite Electric) Stoltenberg, Secretary -General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, stated that he still believes in the benefits of free trade, but he warns that there are hidden security hazards in dealing with authoritarian countries such as China.

Stoltenberg said on Wednesday (November 30) at the Berlin Security Conference: "The Ukrainian war shows that our dependence on Russia's natural gas is dangerous.Dependence, especially China. "

NATO Foreign Minister on Thursday (1st) held a meeting held in the Romanian capital of Bologast, discussed the problem of cooperating with Beijing.

Stoltenberg said at the meeting: "The challenges we face are global, and we must deal with these challenges together in NATO."

He said that NATO will soberly face "challenges from China", but he emphasized that NATO does not regard China as hostile forces and will continue to contact Beijing with its own interests, especially to convey NATO to Russia to RussiaThe unified position invading Ukraine.

Stoltenberg said that the ministers discussed Beijing's "ambitious military development, technological progress, and increasingly growing online activities."

He said: "Of course we will continue to trade and economic exchanges with China, but we must realize dependence, reduce our security loopholes and manage risks."

NATO countries are increasingly worried that China ’s control over key infrastructure in various countries, as well as important minerals and technical supply provided by NATO members who may excessively rely on Beijing.

Spanish Foreign Minister Alvarez pointed out: "We must decide when to compete with China and when to cooperate, such as the issue of climate change, which can cooperate with it, and Beijing can also be the peace and Russian president of Ukraine and the President of Russia.Putin dialogue. "

According to the news website "The Pioneer", the German Economic Minister Habeck approved a strategic document this week, hoping to focus on the alternative market, so that Germany does not need to rely on China in terms of trade.

Reuters reported last month that Germany is seeking reducing dependence on Beijing and is formulating a new Chinese strategy, but because of the close trade relationship between China and Germany, this task is tricky.One of the German strategies is to provide incentives for German companies' investment outside China.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Germany said that in 2022, Germany had provided enterprises with a investment guarantee of 29 billion euros (about S $ 41.3 billion).

But the "pioneer" also quoted a 100 -page strategic document saying: "Although China is reducing its dependence on other countries, China's economic importance to the EU and Germany continues to increase." In 2016Business partner.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs proposes that in addition to other matters, it focuses on "future markets such as Asia Pacific, Latin America and Africa."