(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden and Chinese officials will talk to the official next Monday. Biden hopes to avoid further deterioration of Sino -US relations.He believes that establishing a bottom line for the relationship between the two parties and ensuring that the two countries follow some rules to compete.

The White House announced on Thursday afternoon that Bayeng would meet with the Chinese official when he attended the G20 (G20) summit of the G20 (G20) summit next Monday (14th) next Monday (14th).This is the first face -to -face meeting since Biden took office in January last year.

U.S. government officials have further said, "President of Bayeng's Presidential Association frankly express some of the United States' concerns, including Chinese threats of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and concerns about human rights against human rights in China for a long time." The two will discuss UkraineWar, recent North Korea's nuclear activities, the efforts of climate change, and other areas that the two countries can cooperate.

However, the official said that the driving force for the promotion of Xi -worship was not to find results, and the two parties would not issue a joint statement after the meeting.This latest signal shows that the White House believes that Xi Bai will get any substantial policy breakthroughs.

When Bayeng left the White House on Thursday evening, the reporter asked if he believed whether the talks would be effective. Bayndon replied: "I always think that my talks are very effective."

Bayeng pointed out the day before, he had to clarify the "red line" of the two parties with the Chinese officials during the talks to reduce the possibility of conflict, but emphasized that he would not make "fundamental concessions."

Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced on Friday that Chinese officials will be invited by Indonesian President Zako to go to the G20 summit from November 14th to 17th.At the invitation of the Prime Minister of Thailand, he went to Bangkok to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) summit from 17th to 19th from 17th to 19th.

Sarawin: The results of the discussion of the practice of the worship will make Taiwan feel at ease of the United States

During the meeting, Chinese officials will also hold bilateral meetings with French President Macron, Senegal President Salle, Argentine President Fernandez and other leaders.

The White House National Security Counselor Sha Liven revealed on Thursday that the US government will notify Taiwan to meet the results of the practice of worship in order to make Taiwan feel at ease of support for the United States.

Shatin said: "I believe that the United States' stance on peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and the commitment to the Taiwan Relations Law to ensure that the United States protects Taiwan, which will make them feel safe and comfortable."

Although there are frictions on China and the United States in Taiwan, the South China Sea, trade and many other issues, Biden has been seeking a stable relationship with Beijing.

Analysts pointed out that China has been hinting that it is hoped to avoid the deterioration of relations between the two countries, so Xi Bai is therefore the opportunity to alleviate relations between China and the United States.

Ge Laiyi, director of the Asian project of the Marshall Fund in Washington, Washington, said that Xi -worship is an opportunity to ease the tension. "But it is not clear what they are willing to do to achieve this.It has been promoting talks to formulate measures to reduce risks, but China is not interested in this. "