(Washington Composite Electric) Senior US government officials said on Tuesday (November 8) that President Biden will launch a weekly visits after the midterm elections to meet with the leaders of Egypt, Cambodia and Indonesia.The Climate Conference, the Asian Security Summit and the East Asian Summit, and the Twenty Group (G20) summit.

However, officials did not explain at the briefing of the White House National Security Council that Biden would meet with Chinese officials and what could include their agenda.

According to the schedule, Biden will go to Egypt to attend the United Nations Climate Change Summit on Friday and will hold a bilateral meeting with Egyptian President Aseisi.

Officials said that when Biden attended the Asianan Summit and the East Asian Summit on Saturday and Sunday, he would focus on the Indo -Pacific region and talk about the United States' commitment to rule -based international order, including the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.

Bynden went to Indonesia on Sunday to 16th, and will speak for Ukraine at the G20 summit.At present, there are 17 national leaders of the G20 Summit on November 15th and 16th in Bali, Indonesia, including Biden and Chinese officials.

Yonhap News Agency reported yesterday that South Korean President Yin Xiyue will start the first trip to Southeast Asia after taking office and attend the Asian Security Summit and G20 Summit.

Senior officials of the Presidential Palace in South Korea said that Yin Xiyue and the Chinese official will have unexpected opportunities during the G20 summit, and the two parties may take this opportunity to communicate.The leaders of South Korea, the United States and Japan are expected to hold a third -side talks outside the Asian Summer Summit.

Australian Prime Minister Albanis said on Wednesday that if it can be arranged to meet with Chinese officials during the G20 summit, it will be "positive development."

Albanis said at a press conference in Canberra: "I have clearly stated that dialogIt is organizing a series of meetings, but it has not been finalized. "

The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the last meeting between the two countries was in 2019, and then the then Prime Minister Morrison met with the official Chinese official at the G20 summit.

Recently reported that the Chinese military tried to recruit former Australian Air Force pilots to provide training services, and Australian officials are investigating the matter.Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Marce said on Wednesday that the Ministry of Defense's preliminary investigation discovered "sufficient evidence" and will conduct in -depth investigations on this issue.

Mars emphasized that any former soldiers reveal secret information outside the government are obvious crimes.He said that the government will review the current national defense policy and procedures, but does not specify how long or how many cases are being reviewed.

Less than a month ago, Britain had warned the former Air Force pilots not to teach their professional skills to China.The British Ministry of Defense has taken measures to curb and punish this behavior.