The two bills that are frightened by American technology giants are the United States Innovation and Selection of the Online Act and Open Application Market Act.Silicon Valley's technology giants, including Google's parent company Alphabet, Amazon, etc. have spent more than $ 100 million for lobbying, trying to stop these two bills.

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Democratic Party may lose the control of Congress after the midterm elections. The White House is therefore planned to promote antitrust legislation before the new Congress will work in January next year to restrict the power of the science and technology giant company and strive to get two items into it.The deadlock bill may be passed before the Republican Party may control Congress.

Dis, director of the White House National Economic Committee, said in a telephone interview on Friday (November 4): "We are committed to promoting ambitious legislation in this field."

Dis said that the Republican Party has stated that if they re -control the two houses of Congress, they will not support these antitrust legislation.The supporters of these bills have urged the White House to advance this effort in the last few weeks before the new Parliament in January next year.

The White House spokesman Simmons said: "The Anti -Monopoly Act is supported by the two parties, and there is no reason for Congress to take action before the end of the year."

These two bills that make American technology giants frightened are American Innovation and Selection of Online Acts and Open Application Market Acts, respectively.Silicon Valley's technology giants, including Google's parent company Alphabet, Amazon, etc. have spent more than $ 100 million (about S $ 140 million) to lobby, trying to prevent these two bills.

At present, these two bills have been reviewed by the relevant committees of Congress, but they are still waiting for the voting of the House of Representatives and the Senate.If Congress does not take action before the end of the year, it may be to wait for the Democratic Party to have the power of the two hospitals and the White House next time, and then legislates the power of technology giants.

The voting time of these two bills still depends on the Senate's major party leader Shu Mo. He will decide whether to put these measures to the voting by the end of the year.Schu Mo said in March this year that 60 votes in the Senate needed to perform these bills to vote.Because the two parties were evenly matched in the Senate seats, if Shu Mo still insisted on his opinion, he had to receive the support of at least 10 Republican Senators.

Bayeng runs in the four states for the midterm election to actively vote

The US midterm election has entered the final sprint stage, and President Biden actively draws votes before the vote day of next Tuesday (8th).

Bynden, who ran four states within three days, stated in California with a newly announced employment report on Friday that the United States added 260,000 non -agricultural jobs in October, showing that the recovery of the United States is still strong.

Bynden acknowledged that inflation is still the first economic challenge of the government, but emphasized that the Republican party's economic policy will further worsen inflation.

He revealed that the issue of high oil prices and record profitability with oil companies will also cancel some unreasonable charges of banks and airlines.

polls show that the Republican Party not only has an advantage in the House elections, but also does not lag behind in the Senate elections.Considering that the ruling party will lose control of Congress in most cases in the past, the Republican Party has a large winning face in this midterm.However, Biden still believes that the Democratic Party may go against the trend, claiming that "we will win this time, and I feel a lot of chances of winning."