(Minster Comprehensive Electric) Seventh -way Group (G7) reiterated the importance of maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and urged China to avoid changing the status quo by threatening or using force unilaterally.G7 member states also vowed to continue to support Ukraine against Russia.

G7 Foreign Minister on Friday (November 4) After the two -day meeting in Western, Western Germany, a mild public bulletin was issued, indicating that it still "seriously pays attention to the situation in the East China Sea and the Southern China Sea and the surrounding areas.

Mainland China, which claims to have Taiwan's sovereignty, had conducted a series of military exercises and missile tests around Taiwan during the speakers of the US House of Representatives Perosi in August this year.

G7 called on Beijing to "act in accordance with international commitments and legal obligations", and member states said in the bulletin: "We remind China that it is necessary ... avoid threats, coercion, intimidation or use of force. We strongly oppose any unilateral force with force in force.Or change the attempt to change the status quo. "

G7 also shows that it will continue to focus on China ’s alleged violations and trampling in Xinjiang and Tibet, as well as the behavior of“ continuing to erode Hong Kong ’s rights, freedom and autonomy”.

is willing to launch constructive cooperation with China in the field of global health and climate

However, G7 also shows that it is preparing to carry out constructive cooperation with China in the fields of global hygiene and climate challenges in the fields of global hygiene and climate challenges.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills told reporters after the meeting that the G7 member states are increasingly consistent in the policies of China. All countries try to coordinate how to cope with China's tougher global situation, but they did not mention common goals in the bulletin.

Brinken said: "In our discussion, we clearly realize that when facing the increasing coercion of China, it is necessary to adjust our attitude towards China, and jointly oppose Beijing's distorted markets, employees and industries in all countries in G7 countriesPolicies and practices that cause damage. "

On the issue of Russia and Ukraine, the G7 vowed to support Ukraine's anti -Russian positions that could not be shaken, and agreed to establish a new mechanism to provide assistance to Ukraine.

Foreign ministers of various countries announced after the meeting: "We have established G7 coordination mechanisms to assist Ukraine for repairing, reconstruction and protection of key energy and water conservancy infrastructure."

G7 also expressed concerns about Putin's recent use of nuclear weapons, reiterating that any act of using such weapons will face serious consequences.

Foreign Ministers of various countries say that Russia's irresponsible nuclear remarks are unacceptable and refute Russia's statement about Ukraine is preparing to use dirty bombs.

After the British Foreign Minister, he stated to AFP that he would always provide assistance to Ukraine until they won.